Misty Swamp
01 Mar, 2018 5:56 pm
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
slothra 00:05 omg
Aegis 00:05 are you fucking puck?
slothra 00:08 this map is so pretty
PvP 00:09 NO
PvP 00:10 HES NOT
slothra 00:11 i wish i was
slothra 00:20 i feel awful
Aegis 00:22 Jebaited
Soren 00:56 rip
slothra 01:00 where are they
PvP 01:03 I'll 2 gate
slothra 01:04 LOL
Aegis 01:14 not puck and zerggirl my ass
PvP 01:23 lel
slothra 01:38 I AM SORRY
ZergGirl 01:47 he is not sorry
ZergGirl 01:49 at all
Aegis 01:58 i figured
slothra 02:08 HELP
slothra 02:08 WTF
PvP 02:17 lol
PvP 02:25 u want my probe to carry you? cuz it did
Aegis 02:29 zergirl nice stream btw
slothra 02:40 i wil lstop
slothra 02:50 WHAT?
PvP 02:50 im killing barracks
gostarz 02:52 I just got this game today
slothra 02:53 why don't they have rocks?
gostarz 02:58 nolikethis
Soren 03:06 same not liek this
PvP 03:10 ring around the rosy
Aegis 03:12 i just wanted to teach friends SC2 and we get puck and zergirls
slothra 03:17
slothra 03:21 Really?
slothra 03:30 welcome to Starcraft II!
Soren 03:32 #notlikethis
PvP 03:41 its like i dont exist >_
Aegis 03:54 that what happens when you dont qual WCS
slothra 03:57
PvP 03:59 lol wtf
slothra 03:59 i am so sad
ZergGirl 06:37 gona check oven
Aegis 06:38 i dont believe you
slothra 06:48 me too
Aegis 06:50 you told them to do that zergirl
PvP 06:52 why did u lift building
slothra 06:52 ima go check my oven
PvP 06:59 its a bit rude to keep a lady waiting
Aegis 07:02 wtf she just left
Aegis 07:06 super rude
PvP 07:25 this guy loves attention
PvP 07:31 im writing him a message mid map
Aegis 07:35 im gonna milk my 15min of fame on zerggirls stream
slothra 07:53 you are
slothra 07:54 so dumb
slothra 07:55 llol
PvP 08:00 dont fucken judge me
PvP 08:46 lol
Aegis 08:46 keefe
Aegis 08:46 game crashed
Soren 08:46 damn keefe
Aegis 08:46 puck you doing nationwars?
PvP 08:46 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Soren 08:46 ez game ez life
Aegis 09:17 gg wp
Aegis 09:23 gl, OPToss
ZergGirl 09:34 gg
PvP 09:38 GG