Cryptic Fortress
LOTV Private
25 Mar, 2018 4:39 pm
43 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
MCanning 00:03 glhf
slothra 00:06 who is top left?
MCanning 00:10
JimRising 00:22 im bottom left
MCanning 00:22 2x carrier
slothra 00:26 ok can
slothra 00:28 lets do it
slothra 00:33 ill do stalkers
slothra 00:35 for supporting army
JimRising 00:48 ok vibe
JimRising 00:51 how we fix our differences?
ViBE 00:56
ViBE 01:03 we have
ViBE 01:05 we are friends
JimRising 01:08 we can be friends
JimRising 01:10 if u want
ViBE 01:16 that makes me happy
MCanning 01:18 do you want gold puck
slothra 02:18 where is jared
slothra 02:22 i want to kill him
CatZ 02:23 bottom right
slothra 02:25 fuck
slothra 02:28 i am so far awy
JimRising 02:39 vibe this is an abuse
JimRising 02:42 give me 1 base
ViBE 02:46 we are together
ViBE 02:49 we are taking all base
MCanning 02:50 puck
JimRising 02:50 ok
MCanning 02:51 u take gold
slothra 03:01 ok
slothra 03:02 nono
slothra 03:06 nvm
JimRising 04:13 dont spread ur creep
slothra 05:37 on it can
slothra 05:48 stalkers
slothra 07:17 lets kill top right can
JimRising 07:22 omw
slothra 08:37 OH
slothra 09:29 your cannons
MCanning 09:39 omg
MCanning 09:41 lmao
slothra 10:05 we are small
barcode 12:41 i dont have enough
slothra 14:41 my alliance
slothra 14:42 is with can
barcode 14:44 i am joining the team against puck and mcanning
barcode 14:47 everyone against them
slothra 15:27 no
slothra 15:30 he is 3rd
slothra 18:03 i cant get to you
slothra 18:46 its okay
slothra 19:40 its okay
slothra 19:42 coime to the right side
slothra 19:46 you can have 3 bases here
slothra 20:49 nate
slothra 20:52 go up more
slothra 20:53 its safer
slothra 20:57 non
slothra 21:00 follow phoenix
slothra 21:07 no
slothra 21:08 they wont
JimRising 21:08 vibe chang from busy
slothra 21:09 they love you
JimRising 21:11 need to tell u something
JimRising 21:47 this is personal nathan
JimRising 21:49 coming for u
JimRising 22:05 vibe change from busy
JimRising 22:37 ok puck before we fight
JimRising 22:39 we need to
JimRising 22:42 beat mccning
JimRising 22:50 BRANDON
JimRising 23:43 puck
slothra 23:46 yes?
JimRising 23:46 peace till mcaning died
slothra 23:51 let me kill vib
JimRising 23:56 he is a good person
JimRising 23:57 why
JimRising 24:00 kill nathan first
JimRising 24:04 he is a mean person
barcode 24:25 EZ
barcode 24:35 $10 banked
JimRising 24:54 like last chance
JimRising 24:56 leave my base
barcode 25:15 no
barcode 25:16 im fine
JimRising 25:23 TOLD U
JimRising 25:26 i offered u a deal
JimRising 25:44 ok puck we still can be friends
JimRising 25:49 lets kill nony
barcode 25:52 no
JimRising 25:58 lets kill nony
JimRising 26:03 mcaning
JimRising 26:04 and then
JimRising 26:07 we can try to fix our differences
JimRising 26:16 deal ?
slothra 27:19 time out
slothra 27:21 nony is still here
slothra 27:22 kil him
JimRising 27:37 so
JimRising 27:41 mcanning next
JimRising 27:48 then we decide if i offer vibe as tribute
JimRising 27:49 or not
slothra 28:49 \its bad
JimRising 29:05 its more than top protoss players
JimRising 29:07 truefact
JimRising 29:19 ok
JimRising 29:21 last chance brandon
JimRising 29:23 mcaning
slothra 29:31 kill vibe after?
MCanning 29:33 jim IVE always had a crush on you
JimRising 29:35 the money
MCanning 29:35 you know that right?
MCanning 29:45 jim we can be great
MCanning 29:47 you KNOW that
JimRising 30:15 puck
JimRising 30:17 come on
slothra 30:24 mm?
JimRising 30:26 offer mcanning
slothra 30:28 kill vibe after?
MCanning 30:34 LEAVE Me
JimRising 30:34 we can discuss it
JimRising 30:37 after killing mcanning
slothra 30:38 no
slothra 30:40 i need confirmation
JimRising 30:59 ok puck
JimRising 31:03 i have enough minerals to remax
slothra 31:08 me too
JimRising 31:09 lets fight
MCanning 31:10 me too
JimRising 31:12 the winner
JimRising 31:13 decides
JimRising 31:16 the destiny of everyone
MCanning 31:19 deal
slothra 32:54 jaime
slothra 32:56 i killed mcan
JimRising 32:58 really?
JimRising 33:04 kick him from the game
slothra 33:20 its done.
JimRising 33:24 kill him
slothra 33:32 hes in your base now
JimRising 33:37 i can see his pylon
JimRising 33:40 top middle
JimRising 33:52 why is he still in the game?
slothra 33:54 idk
slothra 33:57 he built
slothra 33:58 a base
slothra 33:59 somewhere in your base'
JimRising 34:01 find him
JimRising 34:05 and maybe ill offer vibe as tribute
slothra 34:06 can i have free passage?
slothra 34:35 i am looking
slothra 34:36 for him
slothra 34:39 found him
slothra 34:55 i am the morning streame now
slothra 34:56
slothra 35:17 he is massing
slothra 35:19 things everywhere
slothra 35:39 ..
slothra 35:46 i am going to die
slothra 35:54 WTF
slothra 35:57 jaimw
JimRising 36:19 ok so
slothra 36:19 vibe?
JimRising 36:23 v
JimRising 36:28 puck and vibe vs me
JimRising 36:29 deal ?
slothra 36:34 wait
slothra 36:35 vibe
slothra 36:36 lets do it
JimRising 36:42 yeah
slothra 36:46 lets kill
JimRising 36:47 the winner tkaes the game
slothra 36:47 ?
JimRising 36:51 vibe and u vs me
slothra 37:00 jaime
slothra 37:27 vibe
slothra 37:29 we can kill him
slothra 37:39 and i will tak e2nd
JimRising 37:40 we are at top 3
JimRising 37:42 whtast the problem
slothra 40:55 hahahaha
slothra 41:15 ok
slothra 41:18 deal
slothra 41:57 jaime
slothra 42:07 what do you have
slothra 42:23 lets kill vibe
JimRising 42:30 omw
JimRising 42:30 :V
JimRising 42:36 oue alliance was temporal
JimRising 42:37 vibe
JimRising 42:49 leave brandon :v
slothra 43:21 gg