Monobattle LotV - Map Rotation
LOTV Private
02 Apr, 2018 2:38 pm
24 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
SubjectXile 00:06 howdy
Countdown 00:12 ohiyo
SubjectXile 00:17 youre cute
Shiro 00:25 dont worry, ill be handicapped by the 100+ ping zzzz
grumpy 00:28 always last
grumpy 00:35 wait, nm
SubjectXile 00:36 still better than me
SubjectXile 00:41 YAAAAASSSSSS
Countdown 00:42 what is this game
SubjectXile 00:54 you only build the unit you grab
llllllllllll 01:32 rip my mutas into thors haha
SubjectXile 01:54 banelings
SubjectXile 01:56 hahaha
llllllllllll 02:05 mass BC? hahaha
ZergGirl 02:12 tempest or bc?
SubjectXile 02:23 mass reapers lel
grumpy 02:36 this should be interesting
llllllllllll 02:36 lol this is gonna be dicey
llllllllllll 02:38 GLHF
grumpy 02:42 gl hf
SubjectXile 02:46 help
SubjectXile 02:52 im surronded by creep and cant build
SubjectXile 03:21 apprently no one cared when i picked terran kappa
ZergGirl 03:46 y u scoutin
llllllllllll 03:53 oh yeah hahahahhaha
grumpy 03:59 oh, one of THOSE protosses
Practice 04:00 nr 15min
llllllllllll 04:58 my queens still attack right?
SubjectXile 05:02 yes
grumpy 05:04 they had better
SubjectXile 05:04 im pretty sure
llllllllllll 05:06 kk tyty
SubjectXile 05:09 but your limited to 1 per hatchery
ZergGirl 05:10 only 1 queen per base
llllllllllll 05:12 ahh
ZergGirl 05:13 er hatch yeah
SubjectXile 05:29 dont mind me
SubjectXile 05:35 gonna run a marathon for my expo
llllllllllll 05:42 lol
ZergGirl 07:12 static defense
ZergGirl 07:15 for raven turret
SubjectXile 07:40 ima be a trump supporter and build a wall keep your creep on that side J
ZergGirl 08:55 keep harassin
ZergGirl 08:56 if ya can
llllllllllll 08:59 will do
ZergGirl 09:00 muta gonna fall off
ZergGirl 09:11 and help spread creeps guys
ZergGirl 10:09 dont attaack
ZergGirl 10:10 by yourself
SubjectXile 10:31 i killed his muraders D:
SubjectXile 12:43 damn murader slow
llllllllllll 13:24 gave u 800 mins
grumpy 15:19 thors are all dead
llllllllllll 21:03 anyone got gas
llllllllllll 21:07 ill trade for minerals haha
SubjectXile 21:15 i have 2 bases and they are about gone
ZergGirl 22:32 gp
ZergGirl 22:33 go
Practice 23:39 gg
Shiro 23:48 gg
ZeroDashZero 23:48 gg
llllllllllll 23:59 wait did we win