Micro Tournament 1.26
Heart of the Swarm Private
15 Nov, 2017 1:27 pm
27 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Cube 00:33 de zergs
TheMassivMan 01:08 rip
Cube 01:08 qwtf#
Aldoros 01:08 geeeh
Cube 01:08 rekt
HateMe 01:15 sooooooory
Cube 01:22 wtf2heheehe
VikVirtual 01:24 -kill
Gonzy 01:31
AranSIRE 01:43 ok you got me
AranSIRE 01:57 uhhh...
AranSIRE 02:08 that is so hard for zerg
AranSIRE 02:15 that colossus mach up
HateMe 02:35 xD
Cube 02:39 lul
Gonzy 03:03 Cube Kreygasm
Aldoros 03:14
Cube 03:21 uahehuaehu
Gonzy 03:29 But Aldoros Boy of the Hearts (hearts)
Cube 04:11 waruim
Cube 04:15 geh i noch xD
Gonzy 04:17
Cube 04:18 ind e clouds xD
Cube 04:23 wollt afoch nur finishen xD
Cube 04:28 nix mehr gseng de ormen
Gonzy 04:32 @ViolentVik - CHeers von Dane
Cube 04:53 red and pink win
VikVirtual 04:57 LuL der ist auch überall, gel?
VikVirtual 05:03 Gruß zurück
Cube 05:23 ^^
AranSIRE 05:43 well getting that right would be easier with ling speed
Aldoros 06:18 i feel like so09
Aldoros 06:20 always second
Gonzy 06:38 get easy on me
Gonzy 06:39 wow
Gonzy 06:41 wtf
Cube 07:00 zergggg
Aldoros 07:08 hob ka focus fire gmocht
Aldoros 07:11 facepalm
Aldoros 07:35 bm tmm
Aldoros 07:37 report
TheMassivMan 07:38
Gonzy 07:48
Aldoros 08:15 #protossed
Cube 08:51 crazy
VikVirtual 09:02 worst control ever :'D
Cube 09:45 yoink
AranSIRE 09:47 ...
Cube 09:48 (hearts)
Gonzy 09:58 Finally LUL
VikVirtual 10:48 ach lul... kein fungal
Gonzy 11:17 god damn
Cube 11:28 gg !
Gonzy 11:31
Gonzy 11:34 gg Sir!
Cube 12:05 zimba
Aldoros 12:05 k
Cube 12:11 laelaell
Aldoros 12:13 i hob 3 lings
Aldoros 12:14 xD
Cube 12:18 xD
Gonzy 12:20 no archon for me
Cube 12:40 gg!
Cube 12:43 beat master 1
Cube 12:44 !
Cube 12:45 ez!
Cube 13:09 aransire that was purp favored
Cube 13:11 ur god
Cube 13:18 but cant win this
Gonzy 13:54 wow
Cube 13:55 ur a monster
Cube 14:01 GG
Aldoros 14:35 i hob 5 hydras an der wand gekillt
Aldoros 14:36 gg
Aldoros 14:52 -kill
TheMassivMan 14:57 protoss!!!!!
Gonzy 15:29 -.-
Cube 15:33 fml
VikVirtual 15:38 lul
VikVirtual 15:40 so close
AranSIRE 16:02 ..
Cube 16:10 ohh
Aldoros 16:31 -.-
TheMassivMan 16:39 -kill
Cube 16:43 terraaan
Cube 16:45 heh
TheMassivMan 16:49
Cube 17:03 gogo gonzy
Cube 17:04 xD
AranSIRE 17:05 ...
Cube 17:09 nooo
Cube 17:32 ups xD
AranSIRE 17:59 don't let heal
AranSIRE 18:01 ...
AranSIRE 18:03 zerg
AranSIRE 18:24 sight
Cube 18:29 gg
AranSIRE 18:29 you almost had it
Cube 18:32 wat
Cube 18:34 wat xD
Gonzy 18:48 lol
Aldoros 18:58 xD
VikVirtual 19:01 wtf
Aldoros 19:02 #balanced
VikVirtual 19:05 xD
TheMassivMan 19:09 terran bby
Gonzy 19:40 monster!
Cube 20:05 nopü
TheMassivMan 20:17 #
Cube 21:01 !!!!!#
Cube 21:02 imba
Cube 21:03
Cube 21:42 bum
AranSIRE 21:49 almost
Cube 21:57 u doin good
Gonzy 21:57 gg
AranSIRE 22:44 almost
Gonzy 22:48 ;)
VikVirtual 22:53 oh gott
Cube 23:02 mit den vipers
Cube 23:06 die vikings pullen
VikVirtual 23:07 ja ich weiß
VikVirtual 23:16 aber ist grad alles durcheinander gegangen
Cube 23:30 nop xD
AranSIRE 23:34 ... no can do
Cube 23:49 gogo gonzy xD
Cube 24:02 focus mit colossi!
Cube 24:07 yeeeesssss
Cube 24:11 yeeeees
Cube 24:18 aber die immos noch über!
Cube 24:23 ohh noo
Gonzy 24:23 >.
Cube 24:31 xD
Cube 24:32 gg
Gonzy 24:36 gg`^
Aldoros 24:40 ...
Aldoros 24:55 ez
Aldoros 24:57 03,,
TheMassivMan 24:59
AranSIRE 25:10 too many zealots
Cube 25:14
VikVirtual 25:27 -kill
Cube 25:42 this one is beautiful
Cube 25:57 but overlords must go first
Cube 26:08 aaaand it doesnt matter xD
Cube 26:11 must split^^
TheMassivMan 26:13
Gonzy 26:14 lol, knowing how to solve but losing crual
Gonzy 26:26 Zerg OP...