Monobattle LotV - Map Rotation
LOTV Private
14 Apr, 2018 8:09 pm
09 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Bulldog 00:22 repick?
Swaghar 00:27 uhhh
Swaghar 00:29 yeah
Swaghar 00:55 gl hf
Swaghar 01:02 whoa
Swaghar 01:05 that';s a lotta carrier
Swaghar 01:15 try and get muta early
Swaghar 01:21 cripple them
Bulldog 01:24 yee
Aeraxis 01:25 just rush
Swaghar 01:29 can't beat the carriers
Swaghar 01:39 I go for 2 bae
Swaghar 01:43 if you guys can join me
Swaghar 01:44 gr8
JosMetadi 01:47 try and kill there line
JosMetadi 02:03 probe
Allison 02:45 so you do know how to defend it
Allison 02:46 wow
Swaghar 02:56 trick is knowing that workers can fight
JosMetadi 03:00 did last time, wasn't me slacker
JoseZhong 03:02 the lowest tier here is gold so...
Swaghar 03:03 cray cray
Aeraxis 06:22 attack
Aeraxis 06:53 come on ctclone
Aeraxis 06:56 cyclone
Aeraxis 07:23 copme target
Aeraxis 07:26 the cannon
Swaghar 08:26 nooooooice