Monobattle LotV - Map Rotation
LOTV Private
12 Apr, 2018 6:37 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
NotPotato 00:06 i am not potato!
NotPotato 00:13 i am "NotPotato"
Mactastic 00:16 what if i don't beleive you
Drone 00:19 you sound like a potato
Mactastic 00:22 what if it a conspiracy
WebFox 00:24 I get it *chuckles*
NotPotato 00:24 i am sweetpotato!
Orangatang 00:35 rush?
Orangatang 00:36 or nah
Drone 00:39 beastyqt fan ?
NotPotato 00:44 orange is orange lol
WebFox 00:53 you can't just decide to change the vegetable assigned to you at birth
NotPotato 01:08 liberal say i can
Orangatang 01:15 carrots are fruits tho
NotPotato 01:22 there are infinite spectrum of vegetable
NotPotato 01:28 we are not discreet vegetable
WebFox 01:35 haha
NotPotato 02:05 tiss ssoo longgg
Drone 02:06 you are born a potato but you identify as a carrot you can be carrot
WebFox 03:11 i can call you a carrot in my personnal life, but I'd rather not get the government involved to force me to call you a carrot
Orangatang 03:22 need fast imortals
NotPotato 03:26 i am half carrot half beet half potato
Triumvirate 03:53 kk
Drone 04:42 shit
Drone 04:49 nvm
NotPotato 04:53 RUN PROBE RUN!
NotPotato 04:58 STOP CHASING HIM!
NotPotato 05:07 he didunuffing!
NotPotato 05:24 NO FOX NOOOO
Drone 05:24 askldfjfkladsfjkads
Drone 05:24 adksjfaklasdfl;a
NotPotato 05:24 NOOOO
Orangatang 05:24 ://///////////////
Drone 05:24 klasjfl;jadsjasdfkjasl;
WebFox 05:24 PLZ STAY
WebFox 05:24
NotPotato 05:24 this is the monkey's fault
Mactastic 05:24 IT WAS ANDROSS
Mactastic 05:24 HE KILLED THE FIX
Orangatang 05:24 too much carrot porn
Mactastic 05:24 FOX
NotPotato 05:24 wait....u are webfox, he is foxcatchter
NotPotato 05:24 he catch u
Drone 05:24 my fox is missing
WebFox 05:24 slar turned him to the dark side
Drone 05:24 i need him to stay
Mactastic 05:24 ROFL #SLAR
Behab 05:24 lol
Mactastic 05:24 never forget
NotPotato 05:24 sad
Behab 05:24 rip
Orangatang 05:24 @[-_-]@
WebFox 05:24 yes you saw in my secret plan
WebFox 05:31 I killed him so he wont catch me
Drone 06:17 (gtfo)
NotPotato 08:16 stahp
Orangatang 10:13 someone get swarmhost
Orangatang 10:14 plz
NotPotato 10:37 where?
Drone 12:29 WTF
Drone 12:32 POTATO
NotPotato 12:40 i told u i am potato :P\
Drone 13:02 vision
Drone 13:14 yamato
Drone 13:17 the disruptors
Drone 16:23 well
Drone 16:33 you can blink bcs if you didnt know
NotPotato 16:46 already blinked
NotPotato 16:53 timing out
Drone 16:57 can you just jsut focus disruptors
Drone 17:03 yamato the shit of them
Drone 18:04 gg wp