Matecznik Aiur
13 Apr, 2018 7:29 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Fangorn 00:04 gl hf
Wholesome 00:05 glhf friends
Fangorn 00:10 races?
Wholesome 00:19 Asian American
Wholesome 00:20 :3
Fangorn 00:31 uuu you dirty bastards
Fangorn 00:52 interracial? ;D
Fangorn 01:17 girls or boys? ;D
Wholesome 01:24 KappaPride
Suproтivisт 01:25 girls AND boyz
Fangorn 01:54 i prefer only girls
Fangorn 02:07 but its your choice
Suproтivisт 02:23 asian american is not a problem
Suproтivisт 02:30 it's a solution
Fangorn 02:43 for starving? or for what?
Fangorn 03:02 i love you guys (hearts)
Wholesome 03:13 (hearts)
Suproтivisт 03:14 #nohoimo
Fangorn 03:26 #straight
Fangorn 03:27
Fangorn 03:40 i love you like a pope
Fangorn 03:42
Suproтivisт 03:46 aaawww
Suproтivisт 03:57 and you call us dirty
Wholesome 05:57 :3