Lost and Found LE
31 May, 2018 10:56 am
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
printf 00:04 ghklf
WingZero 00:05 i am aware this isnt a pvp but this is pvp
WingZero 00:07 glgl~
printf 00:09 lol
printf 00:10 kk
WingZero 00:13
printf 00:15 how do I queue you so much
WingZero 00:19 dunno
printf 00:22 you're a cool 500 mmr above me
WingZero 00:24 we are meant to be buddies
WingZero 00:25 dang
WingZero 00:32 my unrank mmr on this acc
WingZero 00:34 higher than my rank mmr
WingZero 00:43 you must be
WingZero 00:45 on a win streak
printf 00:50 eh, not really
printf 00:52 first game today
printf 00:59 don't think I ended on much of a streak last night
WingZero 01:02 my 2nd
WingZero 01:04 first was a drone rush
printf 01:05 did get back up to master 3 mmr though
printf 01:07 lol
WingZero 01:10 nice grats
WingZero 01:24 i also
WingZero 01:26 suck hard at pvt
WingZero 01:30 so maybe
WingZero 01:32 it places me vs slightly
WingZero 01:34 lower ones
printf 01:36 lol
printf 01:38 i don't think it cares
WingZero 01:44 who knows
WingZero 01:47 secret algorithms
WingZero 01:52 XD
WingZero 01:59 i dont think so either
WingZero 13:29 LMAO
WingZero 13:30 thios is why
WingZero 13:32 i suck at pvt dude
WingZero 13:34 iots crazy
printf 13:35 rip
WingZero 13:35 gg WP !!!
printf 13:38 gg