Arche d’Aïur
04 Jun, 2018 10:28 pm
22 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Dinma 00:09 uh
Toperator 00:09 i take 10mmijn break after this one
Dinma 00:12 we didn't veto that one?
Toperator 00:22 i think
Dinma 00:25 let's go 2-1-1 x2 ?
Dinma 00:28 on 1 spot
Toperator 00:29 last time we played i unveto
Toperator 00:32 ok
Toperator 00:36 because of rush maps
PsiOniC 00:41 ?
Dinma 00:42
jeysen 00:47 whatareyoutalkingabout
PsiOniC 00:48 ?
Dinma 00:49 was talking about that map
Toperator 00:50 xd
Dinma 00:52 and veto
PsiOniC 00:53 ?
jeysen 00:57 is this good map then
Dinma 01:02 plutot op pour skytoss
PsiOniC 01:08 euuuh
jeysen 01:09 ok c parti alor
PsiOniC 01:13 tu crois qu'on va faire qUOI ?
Dinma 01:16
jeysen 01:17 euh..............
Dinma 01:20 pas surpris
PsiOniC 01:24 =)
Dinma 01:31 heureusment que t'es pas toss
Dinma 01:34 la légende
Dinma 01:39 psionic
PsiOniC 01:47 merci =)
Dinma 01:50
jeysen 02:06 euh.. tu parles de la légende comme sur les graph
Dinma 02:23 comme un bon protoss
Dinma 02:30 qui a de l'ager
Dinma 02:33 comme mana
Dinma 03:38 inc I think
Dinma 04:27 go on toss b2 or zerg
Toperator 04:35 wut ever
Dinma 04:39 toss op
Dinma 04:42 so go toss
Toperator 04:45 ok xd
Dinma 05:15 oh
Toperator 05:32 dst
Dinma 07:41 masss
Dinma 07:42 dt
Toperator 08:04 give me bit gas
Toperator 09:02 xd
Dinma 16:03 don't have
Toperator 16:06 k
Dinma 22:02 bon
Dinma 22:03 on peut dire
Dinma 22:06 on s'est bien battue
Dinma 22:08
jeysen 22:10
PsiOniC 22:13 yep
Dinma 22:24 ce genre de trucs qu'on expect jamais
Dinma 22:25 gg wp