Overgrown Facility
15 Jun, 2018 12:53 pm
20 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Kaizo 00:07 blizzard thinks we are AT
VirginKiller 00:11 lol ye
Kaizo 00:28 yes, he basically threw all his zerglings away
Kaizo 00:53 hopefully this match lasts more than 10mins
VirginKiller 01:06 ye lol
VirginKiller 01:09 I never get in the element
VirginKiller 02:36 nice
Kaizo 02:48 move
Kaizo 03:28 fucker
VirginKiller 03:38 Ig ot the revenge
VirginKiller 03:38
VirginKiller 03:50 prob cyclone
Kaizo 04:50 i open,no?
VirginKiller 04:52 ye
Kaizo 05:06 ooverlords pls
VirginKiller 05:33 lol
Kaizo 06:05 did he fly through the tower?
VirginKiller 06:12 no idea
VirginKiller 06:13 lost 1
VirginKiller 06:53 how
VirginKiller 07:03 that's so lucky
VirginKiller 08:25 saw
Kaizo 08:30 ?
VirginKiller 09:36 getting broods soon
Kaizo 09:59 do i need vikings?
VirginKiller 10:57 ewll they just lose the game
VirginKiller 17:30 getting mass infestor now
VirginKiller 17:32 + neural
Kaizo 18:44 need mins?
VirginKiller 18:47 ye