Monobattle LotV - Map Rotation
LOTV Private
09 Aug, 2018 7:10 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
LOL 00:31 rip I am choosing last
LOL 00:35 save sentry for me
EarlCreek 00:39 better than chosing first
THAMUFFINMAN 00:41 last pick best pick
LOL 00:51 I beg to differ
EarlCreek 00:52 last is good tho, cause you get to choose what has the lowest counte
EarlCreek 00:57 or is least countered, sorry
JonMicrosoft 01:03 Or you can counter something
LOL 01:04 well assuming it exsist
EarlCreek 01:04 or is least countered, rip
JonMicrosoft 01:07 it gives leeway
EarlCreek 01:08 that too
LOL 01:17 or I know how to play that unit well
EarlCreek 01:33 can play ling well, not picking it if they have bats lol
THAMUFFINMAN 01:50 i wish stalker or adept was avalible here
EarlCreek 02:02 fuck I didni't mean to do that!! I wanted libs lmao
DrDetroit 02:11 haa
EarlCreek 02:16 fuck
EarlCreek 02:25 well, we have nix, so it should be easy countered
THAMUFFINMAN 02:37 if they dont get to mass
EarlCreek 02:37 nd no vik
EarlCreek 02:39 so we good
THAMUFFINMAN 02:49 thor kills me tho
EarlCreek 02:55 I kill thor
DrDetroit 02:56 we in trouble
Swaghar 03:01 ah we goooooooooooood
Swaghar 03:04 gl hf
THAMUFFINMAN 03:05 not really..
EarlCreek 03:08 and we're gonna have an easy go into the early mid
EarlCreek 03:23 member to wall
THAMUFFINMAN 03:23 mm push gonna be scary
Swaghar 03:42 let's hope they're chicken
DrDetroit 06:27 lag
Swaghar 06:57 shiled bat
Swaghar 07:38 stay in range
DrDetroit 07:41 help
Iudex 15:52 gg
Swaghar 15:54 GG
EarlCreek 16:05 (GG)
EarlCreek 16:09
THAMUFFINMAN 16:59 out of energy LUL
DrDetroit 17:47 nice job guys
Swaghar 17:52 :d
Swaghar 17:53
EarlCreek 18:06 wpwp
TurnMeOnBaby 18:12 G
Swaghar 18:14 gg