King Sejong Station LE
Heart of the Swarm AutoMM
14 Sep, 2014 1:22 am
43 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
llllllllllIl 00:34 gllg
llllllllllIl 00:36 glgl
MrZergling 00:39 gl hf
MrZergling 01:02 I'm so close to masters ^_^
llllllllllIl 01:07 g
llllllllllIl 01:08 l
llllllllllIl 01:17 hope you get it soon :)
llllllllllIl 01:27 i remember the grind
llllllllllIl 01:28 myself
llllllllllIl 01:29 lol
MrZergling 01:36 yeah I've faced like 3/4ths masters tonight
MrZergling 01:42 has to happen soon
llllllllllIl 01:45 its really tough
llllllllllIl 01:52 making the jump
llllllllllIl 02:09 diamond goes from like
MrZergling 02:09 yeah I went from gold to dia
llllllllllIl 02:15 to
MrZergling 02:15 at the beginnning of hots
llllllllllIl 02:23 97 percentile
llllllllllIl 02:38 u have to like
llllllllllIl 02:44 beat the top %'s
llllllllllIl 02:46 to advance
llllllllllIl 02:47 lol
llllllllllIl 03:05 idk its just
llllllllllIl 03:10 tough in my mind
llllllllllIl 03:49 why are you so quiet now
llllllllllIl 03:50 O.O
llllllllllIl 03:59 what did i do BIBLETHUMP
llllllllllIl 04:01 kappa
MrZergling 04:05 just focusing
llllllllllIl 04:13 lol
llllllllllIl 04:15 u supposed
llllllllllIl 04:19 to have more apm than me
llllllllllIl 04:29 being "zerg" and all
MrZergling 04:31 kpm Kappa
MrZergling 04:53 I don't really spam
llllllllllIl 05:07 no one does
llllllllllIl 09:07 its a trap
MrZergling 10:06 god damn impossible to bust toss
MrZergling 10:07 :P
llllllllllIl 11:04 i took
llllllllllIl 11:05 a third
llllllllllIl 11:09 before i moved out
llllllllllIl 11:25 i macro
llllllllllIl 11:26 all day
llllllllllIl 11:28 eryday
llllllllllIl 11:30 in pvz
llllllllllIl 13:03 u killed so many
llllllllllIl 13:06 of my sentries
MrZergling 13:15 like 2
llllllllllIl 13:18 like
llllllllllIl 13:20 6
llllllllllIl 15:01 LOL
llllllllllIl 15:08 ur funny
llllllllllIl 18:04 lol dude
MrZergling 18:37 I'm bored of macro play lol
MrZergling 20:18 zerg macro play gets boring
llllllllllIl 20:27 when u play imbahosts
llllllllllIl 20:28 i bet
MrZergling 20:42 have you ever tried to beat late game toss without em?
llllllllllIl 20:50 i'll admit
llllllllllIl 20:52 its hard
llllllllllIl 20:58 but if you know exactly what the toss
llllllllllIl 21:00 is doing
llllllllllIl 21:04 i think z
llllllllllIl 21:06 has the adv
MrZergling 21:07 muta switches
llllllllllIl 21:09 macro
llllllllllIl 21:10 or not
MrZergling 21:10 or hosts
llllllllllIl 21:14 no
MrZergling 21:14 only options
llllllllllIl 21:17 early viper
llllllllllIl 21:21 ultra infestor
llllllllllIl 21:24 blinding cloud
MrZergling 21:25 still needs to end the game
MrZergling 21:33 with a viper push
llllllllllIl 21:34 all viable
llllllllllIl 21:39 and yes
llllllllllIl 21:42 muta switch
llllllllllIl 21:46 at ANY POINT
llllllllllIl 21:49 afte ra good trade
MrZergling 21:58 the point is
MrZergling 22:04 all those comps
MrZergling 22:10 require you to make a good trade
MrZergling 22:15 and switch
llllllllllIl 22:25 i guess
llllllllllIl 22:29 my units are more expensive
llllllllllIl 22:32 what do u want lol
MrZergling 22:45 I didn't manage to get to it
llllllllllIl 22:55 get to what
MrZergling 22:58 but the only long term viable comp for zerg v late game p
MrZergling 23:05 is sh/corrupter/viper
llllllllllIl 23:14 sure long term
llllllllllIl 23:15 but
llllllllllIl 23:23 i don't think zerg is supposed to be played
llllllllllIl 23:25 like that
llllllllllIl 23:32 its too imba
llllllllllIl 23:33 like
llllllllllIl 23:37 bl infestor
llllllllllIl 23:39 in wol
llllllllllIl 23:45 was a 'viable'
MrZergling 23:45 I'm just all-in ing for every game right now
llllllllllIl 23:48 late game comp
llllllllllIl 23:51 well
llllllllllIl 23:54 if u want
llllllllllIl 23:55 gm
llllllllllIl 23:57 EVER
llllllllllIl 24:01 u can't do this
MrZergling 24:04 to try to train multitasking
MrZergling 24:10 I don't care about gm
MrZergling 24:14 right now
llllllllllIl 24:16 you will
llllllllllIl 24:19 once you hit masters
MrZergling 24:23 yeah
MrZergling 24:28 I'm worrying about that first
llllllllllIl 24:31 after a while
llllllllllIl 24:32 still
llllllllllIl 24:34 even masters
llllllllllIl 24:36 its easier
llllllllllIl 24:39 if you can macro well
llllllllllIl 24:43 anyway as a diamon zerg
llllllllllIl 24:49 u don't have to play late game toss
llllllllllIl 24:51 most toss
llllllllllIl 24:52 can't ff
llllllllllIl 24:54 can't macro
llllllllllIl 24:59 can't do anything late game
llllllllllIl 25:03 they just all in
llllllllllIl 25:09 all you need to do is defend
MrZergling 25:18 that gets boring
MrZergling 25:21 oh look
llllllllllIl 25:23 well dude
llllllllllIl 25:26 what do you want
MrZergling 25:26 another 7 gate
llllllllllIl 25:31 masters
MrZergling 25:31 yawwnnnn
llllllllllIl 25:32 or
llllllllllIl 25:38 exciting games
llllllllllIl 25:39 lol
llllllllllIl 25:40 pick one
MrZergling 25:40 I'll get masters here soon
MrZergling 25:48 preferably
MrZergling 25:50 both
llllllllllIl 25:54 yeah well
llllllllllIl 25:58 then
llllllllllIl 26:07 lol
MrZergling 26:12 I tried to get to masters
MrZergling 26:14 for a year
MrZergling 26:18 with standard macro
llllllllllIl 26:22 i mean
llllllllllIl 26:25 then your'e not good enough
MrZergling 26:27 I have made more progress in 2 weeks
llllllllllIl 26:29 to be in masters
llllllllllIl 26:34 i;m sorry
llllllllllIl 26:36 its like
llllllllllIl 26:41 me trying to immortal all in
llllllllllIl 26:44 to masters
llllllllllIl 26:50 it honestly doesn't work that well
MrZergling 26:51 that can work though...
llllllllllIl 26:53 its so expected
llllllllllIl 26:58 not really
llllllllllIl 27:01 u can do it to diamond
llllllllllIl 27:03 every zerg
llllllllllIl 27:08 has gotten hit with that
llllllllllIl 27:09 though
llllllllllIl 27:10 like
llllllllllIl 27:11 100 times
MrZergling 27:14 I have made more progress to masterrs in 2 weeks
MrZergling 27:19 with cheese
llllllllllIl 27:20 i agree
llllllllllIl 27:23 bit
MrZergling 27:25 than I did in 6 months
llllllllllIl 27:26 okay well
llllllllllIl 27:30 if you get masters
MrZergling 27:30 with standardd macro
llllllllllIl 27:31 by cheesing
llllllllllIl 27:34 let me know
llllllllllIl 27:40 i'll be impressed
MrZergling 27:42 then I'll work on my macro more
llllllllllIl 27:47 you can't
llllllllllIl 27:52 you'll be playing people
llllllllllIl 27:53 10x
llllllllllIl 27:55 better than yiu
llllllllllIl 27:57 you
llllllllllIl 28:04 its fine
llllllllllIl 28:07 do what you want
llllllllllIl 28:12 getting msters is cool
llllllllllIl 28:13 i agree
MrZergling 28:26 I think the best enviroment to learn
llllllllllIl 28:27 i'm playing on a aptop
llllllllllIl 28:28 btw
MrZergling 28:31 to improve my macro
llllllllllIl 28:37 its not
MrZergling 28:39 is playing people 10x better than me
MrZergling 28:46 and get crushed every game
llllllllllIl 28:47 okay so
llllllllllIl 28:49 maybe
llllllllllIl 28:50 1
llllllllllIl 28:55 your mmr will tank
MrZergling 28:55 that way I can learn something
llllllllllIl 28:56 and 2
llllllllllIl 28:59 you need to learn
llllllllllIl 29:02 the stepping stones
llllllllllIl 29:05 for why macro games
llllllllllIl 29:10 turn out the way they do
llllllllllIl 29:12 like
llllllllllIl 29:17 why ect ect
MrZergling 29:17 I got top dia through macro
llllllllllIl 29:21 has been
llllllllllIl 29:23 become
llllllllllIl 29:25 the meta
llllllllllIl 29:35 become*
llllllllllIl 29:47 if u just go to straight top level macro
llllllllllIl 29:52 you won't understand a lot of things
llllllllllIl 29:53 like
llllllllllIl 29:56 behind the meta
llllllllllIl 30:02 and you will suffer because of it
MrZergling 30:02 it's not like
MrZergling 30:06 it's complicated
llllllllllIl 30:09 it is
llllllllllIl 30:15 otherwise everyone would run tank
MrZergling 30:15 this is a game
llllllllllIl 30:18 on the money
llllllllllIl 30:20 lol
MrZergling 30:21 with certain rules
llllllllllIl 30:22 okay bud
llllllllllIl 30:25 dude
llllllllllIl 30:26 no
llllllllllIl 30:33 starcraft has een out for
llllllllllIl 30:34 like
llllllllllIl 30:37 4 years
llllllllllIl 30:43 15 if you count sc1
MrZergling 30:47 and it's figured out pretty much
llllllllllIl 30:48 and it still isn't figured out
llllllllllIl 30:52 lol
llllllllllIl 30:55 okay
MrZergling 31:02 bl/infestor was zergs figuring out WoL
llllllllllIl 31:15 you're wrong
llllllllllIl 31:19 but whatever
llllllllllIl 31:23 you're a diamond cheeser
llllllllllIl 31:28 why would i argue with you
MrZergling 31:33 well you are
llllllllllIl 31:34 i'm playing unranked
MrZergling 31:39 so you must have a reason
llllllllllIl 31:58 i did
llllllllllIl 32:07 now that i've heard your view on sc
MrZergling 32:22 I'll probably go back to macro sometime before I hit masters
llllllllllIl 32:29 its okay dude
llllllllllIl 32:30 like
MrZergling 32:30 once I get bored of a cheese style
llllllllllIl 32:36 i'm actually wrong
MrZergling 32:42 and think I've improved my multitasking and micro
llllllllllIl 32:44 to say u have to macro to get to master
llllllllllIl 32:48 like
llllllllllIl 32:52 its all about what you want
llllllllllIl 33:13 even if something IS better for your gameplay
llllllllllIl 33:16 in the longterm
llllllllllIl 33:18 like
llllllllllIl 33:24 a lot of people just want masters
llllllllllIl 33:25 lol
llllllllllIl 33:28 who am i to say
MrZergling 33:31 I lost sight for a while
MrZergling 33:37 of the fact that this is just a game
MrZergling 33:49 forgot to have fun with it
llllllllllIl 34:01 i want to make challenger league
llllllllllIl 34:06 next year
llllllllllIl 34:19 with the region lock
MrZergling 34:22 I have no aspiration of ever going pro
llllllllllIl 34:32 its more than a game to me at this point
llllllllllIl 34:42 i love starcraft
llllllllllIl 34:43 but
llllllllllIl 34:49 its more than a game to me
MrZergling 35:13 for a while it was more than a game to me too
llllllllllIl 35:17 sounds kinda fucked up
llllllllllIl 35:20 but
MrZergling 35:32 but I got depressed and fucked up cause I felt like I wasn't improving at it
llllllllllIl 35:35 i think thats the mindset
llllllllllIl 35:47 you need to make something like challenger league
llllllllllIl 36:04 yeah its probably tough
llllllllllIl 36:06 for zerg
llllllllllIl 36:12 ik a lot of zerg buddies
llllllllllIl 36:27 that have a really hard time
llllllllllIl 36:30 getting into masters
llllllllllIl 36:33 from diamond
llllllllllIl 36:35 by macroing
MrZergling 36:48 lol I got from gold to dia
MrZergling 36:51 in 1 season
MrZergling 36:56 with 12 min roach max
llllllllllIl 37:05 yep
llllllllllIl 37:15 diamond level is like
llllllllllIl 37:23 lol
llllllllllIl 37:29 u can pick one super strong build
llllllllllIl 37:31 and just do it
llllllllllIl 37:37 over and over again
llllllllllIl 37:39 and perfect it
llllllllllIl 37:43 and make diamond
llllllllllIl 37:46 if you're a noob that is
MrZergling 37:52 then I got to top diamond through reactive play
llllllllllIl 37:56 iif you're not u don't need to ofc
MrZergling 37:56 but reactive play
MrZergling 37:59 is frusterating
llllllllllIl 38:12 yeah
llllllllllIl 38:18 i'd honestly get some coaching
llllllllllIl 38:23 only because
llllllllllIl 38:28 you skipped a lot of steps
MrZergling 38:46 according to a lot of people
MrZergling 38:52 reactive play is the only step
MrZergling 38:56 in a zerg handbook
llllllllllIl 39:00 no like
llllllllllIl 39:08 you would have learned a lot of stuff
llllllllllIl 39:11 about macroing
llllllllllIl 39:14 if u have macrod
llllllllllIl 39:18 through gold - diamond
llllllllllIl 39:21 thats what i mean
llllllllllIl 39:27 you can catch up quickly
llllllllllIl 39:30 with some coaching
llllllllllIl 39:33 or grind out games
llllllllllIl 39:43 and lose because of little things you don't realize
MrZergling 39:45 that's what I'm doing
llllllllllIl 39:46 or
MrZergling 39:51 the other reason I cheese
llllllllllIl 39:53 chees to masters
MrZergling 39:56 is to build decision making
llllllllllIl 39:58 u can try it
llllllllllIl 40:00 its hard
MrZergling 40:02 cause when I do some damage
MrZergling 40:06 but not enough
llllllllllIl 40:07 do you use
MrZergling 40:12 can't really tell who is ahead
llllllllllIl 40:14 whats your injecting method?
MrZergling 40:25 I'm learning base hotkeys
MrZergling 40:29 previously spacebar
llllllllllIl 40:43 backspace injecting?
MrZergling 40:47 yeah
llllllllllIl 40:54 do you actually use that>
MrZergling 40:56 I'm trying to use base camera hotkeys
MrZergling 40:59 now
llllllllllIl 41:01 or are you trying to
llllllllllIl 41:06 yeah you need to do that
llllllllllIl 41:08 first
llllllllllIl 41:13 thats the most important thing
llllllllllIl 41:18 for a zerg
llllllllllIl 41:22 then add camera keys
llllllllllIl 41:25 camera keys
llllllllllIl 41:32 are the most important thing
llllllllllIl 41:33 for a toss
llllllllllIl 41:45 well
llllllllllIl 41:47 idk
llllllllllIl 41:52 theres a lot of stuff
llllllllllIl 41:58 if u want to macro as a protoss
llllllllllIl 42:09 my apm is like 150
llllllllllIl 42:13 at the end of every game
llllllllllIl 42:14 but
llllllllllIl 42:19 camera actions
llllllllllIl 42:22 or camera hotkeys
llllllllllIl 42:28 don't get counted by the apm meter
llllllllllIl 42:38 and i ONLY use them to cycle through my bases
llllllllllIl 42:40 to chrono
llllllllllIl 42:43 and macro
llllllllllIl 42:59 make like 3 camera keys in a replay or a custom game
llllllllllIl 43:01 and spam them
llllllllllIl 43:07 then watch the replay
llllllllllIl 43:14 look atthe apm chart
llllllllllIl 43:16 it will say 0
llllllllllIl 43:29 alright man
MrZergling 43:33 gg