Triton LE
24 Oct, 2019 8:28 am
28 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Fungal Growth 1596
Feedback 111
Neural Parasite 219.54
Psi Storm 111
Transfusion 57.323
Corrosive Bile 4746.6319
Stop 22.4231
Move 33.1931
Attack 18185.6444
Spawn Changeling 73.1316
Infested Terran 312.25
Spawn Larva 1184644
Cancel Morph 116
Cancel Production 11.9624
Gather/Return Cargo 85.340
Mutate into Lair 11.2938
Mutate into Hive 11.512
Mutate into Greater Spire 11.229
Morph to Brood Lord 816.336
Overlord - Load/Unload All 551
Infestor - Burrow 73.336
Infestor - Unburrow 11.52
Morph to Overseer 154.0730
Generate Creep/Stop Generate Creep 11.258
Spore Crawler - Uproot 21.6712
Spore Crawler - Root 2212
Morph to Ravager 512.0519
Mutate Ventral Sacs 241
Mutate Ventral Sacs 241
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 441
OverseerSiegeModeMorphtoOverseer 111