Dusty Gorge
15 Jan, 2024 9:22 pm
18 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
331 312 1 1 94% 01:06 00:00 12:10
181 78 0 0 43% 08:15 00:11 18:10
94 93 43 3 99% 01:46 00:04 13:48
50 15 27 5 30% 07:20 01:33 09:58
31 2 0 0 6% 12:53 04:37 18:10
14 14 14 1 100% 00:00 00:00 00:01
13 12 25 5 92% 02:46 01:42 11:40
9 9 0 0 100% 00:01 00:00 00:02
8 8 33 0 100% 02:07 01:33 03:06
6 1 1 1 17% 12:49 00:36 16:49
5 2 4 0 40% 11:03 04:37 15:09
4 3 13 3 75% 04:41 02:21 11:40


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Corrosive Bile 3964.25
Stop 812.28448
Move 32.02247
Attack 3536.65460
SprayZerg 111
Spawn Changeling 2411.3222
Spawn Larva 5430.9143
Cancel Morph 22.36178
Gather/Return Cargo 108.0838
Mutate into Lair 11.3540
Mutate into Hive 1131
Zergling - Burrow 11.577
Morph to Overseer 35.4129
Generate Creep/Stop Generate Creep 21.6715
Lurker - Burrow 812.758
Morph to Ravager 4105
Morph to Lurker 3310.888
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 43.6819
OverseerSiegeModeMorphtoOverseer 21.9111