Void Thrashing
LOTV AutoMM_coop
06 Aug, 2020 8:11 pm
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Amisently 00:06 a true skill mode
Amisently 00:15 fear + nukes
Amisently 00:18 fear is annoying
PandaBearMe 00:21 whats fear
Amisently 00:22 nukes shouldn't be too hard
PandaBearMe 00:27 ohh wait i see them now
Amisently 00:32 your units run around like retards when they attack enemy units
PandaBearMe 00:49 cool
PandaBearMe 00:51 like the real game
Amisently 00:57 RLOF
Amisently 01:06 nuke
Amisently 01:09 spooky
Amisently 01:11 wtf
Amisently 01:13 they can fall here
Amisently 01:15 are you kidding
PandaBearMe 01:21 can i get nukes to help me kill rocks pls
Amisently 01:27 i thought it was only outside player base location
Amisently 01:35 it didnt even damage it
Amisently 02:02 all things considered this one isn't too hard
Amisently 02:06 doesn't sound too hard
Amisently 03:19 ok now as long as you get nuked near my dark pylon it will revivie your units
Amisently 03:28 there's a 4min cooldown tho
Amisently 03:30 on the passive
Amisently 03:33 for each unit revived
PandaBearMe 03:57 4mins?
PandaBearMe 03:58 wtf
Amisently 04:05 yea but it's great
Amisently 04:47 oh
Amisently 04:48 also
Amisently 04:50 if your units are burrowed
Amisently 05:06 so if you burrow them
Amisently 05:07 lets' try
Amisently 05:15 nice
PandaBearMe 05:17 wtef
Amisently 05:20 op
PandaBearMe 05:25 strange
Amisently 05:34 coop dude
Amisently 05:46 this is peak starcraft right here
Amisently 05:54 btw this map is used for speedrunning
Amisently 05:58 13 min is my best time
PandaBearMe 06:03 -.-;;;
Amisently 06:05 exp grinding
Amisently 07:03 ill timestop
Amisently 07:09 btw the vs air sh upgrade
Amisently 07:09 is
Amisently 07:12 at infestation pit
PandaBearMe 07:17 ohh its hive
Amisently 07:18 ok gogogo
Amisently 07:29 kldajsfhasdlf
Amisently 08:54 i thought thatwas a nuke
Amisently 08:56 it was a scan
Amisently 09:08 fk me
PandaBearMe 09:28 ok
Amisently 09:30 xd
PandaBearMe 09:38 im dtf
Amisently 09:44 dtf?
PandaBearMe 09:48 down to fuck
Amisently 09:51 OH
PandaBearMe 09:58 im three layers deep
Amisently 10:08 xd you mean lairs
Amisently 10:53 fk
Amisently 11:12 omegalul your upgrades
PandaBearMe 11:23 need more?
Amisently 11:30 arent they really good on sh
PandaBearMe 11:40 theyre sh
PandaBearMe 11:43 always good
Amisently 11:54 true xd
Amisently 12:05 imagine not having 3/3 already
Amisently 12:22 the nukes dont seem to be damaging enemy units
Amisently 12:48 fk
Amisently 12:49 almost
Amisently 12:51 clutch safe
Amisently 12:53 OMGFJG
PandaBearMe 12:56 these sh
Amisently 12:57 I JUST LOSE HAALF MY DTS
PandaBearMe 12:59 are annoying
Amisently 13:22 btw the objective is here
Amisently 13:28 xd
PandaBearMe 13:33 i want the mutations
PandaBearMe 13:34 but im dying for it
Amisently 13:37 mutations?
PandaBearMe 13:42 whatever these things are
PandaBearMe 13:48 the green balls
Amisently 13:52 ohhhhhhhhhh
Amisently 14:02 biomass
Amisently 14:58 ok gg lol