Polka LE
22 Nov, 2020 1:00 am
04 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
DJDeepT 00:00
ShzoO 00:03 if muta just go batteries canons and stalkers
ĄĆĄŽ 00:05 GL HF^^
ShzoO 00:11 ghlf gentlemen!
ShzoO 00:26 or what u prefer
ShzoO 00:28 just a suggestion
ShzoO 00:30 u'll see
lllLoviuFlll 00:39 if its double zerg
ShzoO 00:41 probe
lllLoviuFlll 00:48 k
ShzoO 00:53 2 probe
lllLoviuFlll 01:06 u wall?
lllLoviuFlll 01:20 haha
lllLoviuFlll 01:55 ill go air
lllLoviuFlll 02:02 cause the toss sure goes air
ShzoO 02:11 my build is fucked but we're safe at lest
ShzoO 02:32 idk how we get out
ShzoO 02:35 yeah
ShzoO 03:44
ĄĆĄŽ 03:54 well if you try canons you get canons^^ cause im the noob hunter^^