Alaeni Enclave
LOTV Private
23 Jan, 2021 7:11 pm
27 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Random 00:00 glhf
Olrin 00:00 glhf
Coucoute 00:00 gl hf
BABOON 00:03 glhf
Nordy 00:05 glhf
BananaStand 00:06 glhf
JustNUKE 00:07 gl"gl"
BABOON 00:22 10 min no rush ?
Olrin 00:27 idk
BananaStand 00:28 justnuke 5k
BananaStand 00:30
Coucoute 00:33 looks good
Random 00:33 no rules about rush
JustNUKE 00:33 no im 4k
Nordy 00:36 GOOD LUCK BOYS
Olrin 00:36 lets win bois
BananaStand 00:38 5.3
Coucoute 00:48 can we ban carrier
Olrin 01:16 some one ready for bc
JustNUKE 01:44 pls
Olrin 04:15 maybe high settings arent so good
JustNUKE 04:24 oh right xD
BananaStand 04:32 this is not gsl guys
Coucoute 04:41 oh really ?
JustNUKE 04:44 esl*
Coucoute 04:45
BABOON 05:17 wait this is not gsl ?
JustNUKE 05:21 no
JustNUKE 05:23 this is esl
BABOON 05:24 ???
Random 05:28 strange
Olrin 05:34 fucking 30 fps
Olrin 05:38 xd
BananaStand 05:45 mommashihip rush
Olrin 06:08
Random 07:38 i regret picking zerg
Random 07:41 not a zerg map
Olrin 07:42 yes
Random 07:44 gg
JustNUKE 07:45
Olrin 07:49 sad
Olrin 09:02 i regret putting high settings on
Nordy 09:07 KEKW
Olrin 10:04 my god
Olrin 10:16 13rps
Olrin 10:18 füs
Olrin 10:21 ok whatever
Olrin 11:02 what happens if i change my settings to med
Olrin 11:13 will i disconnect?
Coucoute 11:16 no
Coucoute 11:18 it will help
Olrin 11:22 hmm
Olrin 11:49 okay better now
Coucoute 13:58 gg
JustNUKE 14:33 lucifer peace ?
JustNUKE 14:34 xD
Nordy 14:37 ???
JustNUKE 14:41 jk
Nordy 14:45 oh
Nordy 14:46 LOl
BananaStand 14:47 5.3 and need peace
JustNUKE 14:48 xDDD
Nordy 14:50
BABOON 15:26 double teamed smh
Olrin 15:30 wtf
BABOON 15:45 orin yo u killed the weaker player
BananaStand 15:46 gg
BABOON 15:48 now you lose
BABOON 16:57 wait the void ray guy killed all my nexus and left the game
Olrin 16:57 3 left?
BABOON 16:59 what a guy
JustNUKE 17:46 lets ggooo xD
Olrin 18:21 hmm carriers are very stronk
Nordy 18:36 (hearts)
Olrin 18:48 wtf is with this terran
BABOON 18:56 yellow vs oj vs blue now?
Olrin 19:02 dik
Olrin 19:13 i guess
Nordy 19:49 where you at?
Nordy 19:51 XD
JustNUKE 19:55
Olrin 19:56 right side under orange
Olrin 19:58 :p
Olrin 21:07 ffa is kinda wild with all those carriers
Olrin 21:15 beasty how to fight carriers xd
Nordy 21:20 just win 4head
BABOON 21:23 just build lul
Nordy 22:13 alexius
Nordy 22:15 are you winning son?
BABOON 22:18 yes dad
BABOON 22:22 top 4
Olrin 22:25 wait hes still alive?
Olrin 22:29 xd
Nordy 22:33 PepeLaugh
JustNUKE 22:46 snif
Olrin 22:58 could someone
BABOON 23:03 yellow seems dead too
Olrin 23:04 kill those remaining buildings of alex
BABOON 23:08 so its just oj vs blue?
JustNUKE 23:09 ggggggggg
JustNUKE 23:10 wp
Olrin 23:18 oh no
Nordy 23:25 gg wp
BABOON 23:28 wp
Nordy 23:39 so you the sensor tower guy?
BABOON 23:40 Alexius has left the game
BABOON 23:45 Alexius has been defeated
Nordy 23:57 lul
Olrin 23:59 Olrin has left the game!
Nordy 24:00 LUL
Olrin 24:07 Olrin has been defeated
Nordy 24:08 idk where you at XDD
BABOON 24:35 banana guy literally killed my nexus and every worker and then left the game
BABOON 24:37 PepeHands
Olrin 24:44 nice
Olrin 24:50 someone please kill alexius
Olrin 24:52 :d
Nordy 24:54 nordy
Nordy 24:56 get the pylon
BABOON 24:57 its just you two
BABOON 25:03 gg
Nordy 25:08 ahh
Olrin 25:29 welp
Nordy 25:44 rofl
Nordy 25:44 lol
Olrin 25:47 sad
Nordy 25:54 rip
Olrin 26:03 yep
Nordy 26:07 khm
Nordy 26:09 bottom left
Nordy 26:10 khm
Nordy 26:28 I kinda figured XD
Olrin 26:34 the entire time btw
Nordy 26:39 very sneaky
Nordy 26:45 were you the guy that reapered me?
Olrin 26:46 you never looked
Olrin 26:48 yes
Nordy 26:50 cuz I was scared when you did
Olrin 26:51 Xd
Olrin 26:58 PLEASE
Olrin 27:01 let me nuke something
Olrin 27:09 welp
Olrin 27:10 gg
Olrin 27:12 wp
Nordy 27:16 gg jwp
Olrin 27:16 am i runner up?
Olrin 27:21 :p