Concord LE
08 Feb, 2021 7:53 am
17 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
NoSKillByME 00:00 glhf
Sanlam 00:00 hi guys
Sanlam 00:06 cover me
Sanlam 00:11 3 min nydus
MAX 00:34 i drop tank marins here
Elch 00:39 you do realize when u have lings
Elch 00:44 you can cover yourself
Sanlam 00:52 i ask as a team
Elch 01:02 it does not make sense
Sanlam 01:05 its 4v4 its a team effort to win
Elch 01:09 you will have more stuff than us anyway
Sanlam 01:23 not the point
Elch 01:25 yeah but it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE MAN
Sanlam 01:33 its team
Sanlam 01:38 i help you, you help me
Elch 01:44 i go air, cover me 10minutes , that makes at least sense lul
Sanlam 01:52 ok asshole
Elch 01:54 cover me i go for an allin is just bullshit lul
Sanlam 02:04 mr all knowing
Elch 03:39 right reaper allin
Sanlam 07:30 lurks?
Fallen 09:14 gg
Sanlam 09:14 ty
Sanlam 16:14 hahaha