Glittering Ashes LE
27 Nov, 2021 12:25 pm
46 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Legolas 00:00 glhf
Legolas 00:08 race?
Fixthis 00:17 Do you want to fight in real life after the game?
Legolas 00:21 yes
Fixthis 00:31 I am serious
Legolas 00:34 fightclub stye
Legolas 00:36 style
Fixthis 00:39 What is your address?
Legolas 00:50 lamo
Fixthis 00:54 What is your address?
Legolas 00:58 dont worry about it
Fixthis 01:06 you know how fights work
Fixthis 02:06 What is your address?
Legolas 02:36 you;re triggering me
Fixthis 02:36 What is your address?
Fixthis 03:35 What is your address?
Legolas 07:17 gg
Fixthis 07:18 ez
Fixthis 07:21 when
Fixthis 07:22 fag
Fixthis 07:23 I am serious
Legolas 07:24 wow
Fixthis 07:28 you are a douche
Legolas 07:32 really/
Fixthis 07:36 yeah
Fixthis 07:44 So riddle me this, you play a game about fighting but you don't fight. What does that make you?
Legolas 08:05 idk
Fixthis 08:11 fuckingn pussy
Legolas 08:12 good drop ~
Fixthis 09:05 floating buildings
Fixthis 09:12 here is the thing
Fixthis 09:22 whoever says gl hf is the biggest douche
Fixthis 09:25 this always proves out
Legolas 09:29 nice drop
Fixthis 09:30 and you are proving it now
Legolas 09:32 that is all :P
Fixthis 09:44 you are floating buildings
Legolas 09:49 yep
Fixthis 09:58 you are a douche
Fixthis 10:04 do you use this handle elsehwere
Fixthis 10:06 like on reddit
Legolas 10:13 what is reddit?
Fixthis 10:25 do you use this handle on any forums
Legolas 10:30 what is a forum?
Fixthis 10:50 thanks
Fixthis 10:53 I will find you
Legolas 10:58 nice
Fixthis 12:00
Fixthis 13:09 Kind of easy huh
Legolas 13:21 Is it?
Fixthis 13:35 I am still playing and I found that
Legolas 13:43 found what
Fixthis 13:50 the YouTube link
Legolas 14:02 nice
Fixthis 14:10 and soon you
Legolas 14:20 nice
Legolas 14:29 Im attacking your base
Fixthis 14:36 no
Fixthis 14:38 you are not
Legolas 14:43 I am c:
Fixthis 14:50 nope
Legolas 14:56 I was c:
Legolas 15:05 can you end this pls
Legolas 15:07 so long
Fixthis 15:14 you are a cuck
Legolas 15:17 am I?
Fixthis 15:18 you need my permission
Legolas 15:26 waw c:
Legolas 15:44 hahaah
Legolas 15:46 get wrecked
Legolas 15:49 im hitting your base
Fixthis 15:55 no you are not
Legolas 16:08 I was
Legolas 16:25 damn dude
Legolas 16:32 we're going to 20 minutes
Fixthis 16:33 did you say yes
Fixthis 16:43 to fighthing
Legolas 16:47 what is fighting?
Fixthis 16:52 seriously
Fixthis 16:55 this is not cute
Fixthis 17:00 you are a liar
Fixthis 17:01 and a pussy
Legolas 17:05 D:
Legolas 17:28 so rude
Fixthis 17:37 did you say yes to fighting
Legolas 17:43 What is fighting?
Legolas 17:56 scrub
Fixthis 18:35 nice placement
Fixthis 18:38 easy to find
Fixthis 18:46 you should have floated a command center
Legolas 19:12 Imagine
Legolas 19:16 winning in 7m
Fixthis 19:21 that you are not a pussy
Legolas 19:22 and needing an extra 13 minutes
Fixthis 19:24 hard to do
Legolas 19:25 to finish the game
Fixthis 19:27 I did not need it
Fixthis 19:39 I wanted it
Fixthis 19:48 I wanted to rub your face in this game
Legolas 19:52 I love losing
Legolas 19:55 i learn more when I lose
Fixthis 19:57 I am sure you do
Legolas 20:00 get rekt
Legolas 20:31 tick tok
Legolas 20:34 tick tok
Legolas 21:08 21n'
Legolas 21:09 21m
Legolas 21:22 next time build phenixs and just a click the whole map
Legolas 21:32 (a) click
Legolas 21:45 Do you know what a click is?
Legolas 21:54 it means attack click
Fixthis 22:23 What did you learn while I was taking a pissz/
Legolas 22:41 I taught you what attack click means
Legolas 22:52 cmon I want to play
Fixthis 22:53 You taught me
Legolas 22:57 yes
Fixthis 23:00 surrender like a cuck
Legolas 23:00 get learned son
Legolas 23:02 nope
Legolas 23:05 never surrender
Legolas 23:08 my will is strong
Fixthis 23:13 that is great to know
Legolas 23:14 I got this
Fixthis 23:17 this was my last game
Legolas 23:26 Damn
Legolas 23:40 I wanted you to teach me how you built those invisible units
Legolas 23:47 i couldn't kill them because they were invisible
Fixthis 23:59 kind of easy
Fixthis 24:04 you watch YouTube
Fixthis 24:07 just Google it
Legolas 24:11 what is google and youtube>?
Legolas 25:43 How can you see me!?
Legolas 25:50 I think you are cheating
Legolas 25:53 you use invisible unit
Legolas 25:57 and you have map hack
Fixthis 26:13 what is a map hack?
Legolas 26:18 You see my stuff!
Legolas 26:25 you know where my stuff is!
Fixthis 26:26 gross
Fixthis 26:33 it is too small to see
Legolas 26:34 y0u are a hax0r
Fixthis 26:34 I am sure
Fixthis 26:52 what is a hax0r
Legolas 27:00 what?
Legolas 27:06 what is a hax0r?
Legolas 27:22 speak english!!
Fixthis 27:23 yes
Fixthis 27:25 what is that
Legolas 27:31 what?
Fixthis 27:35 What?
Legolas 27:48 you are stupid!
Fixthis 27:58 Does it bother you that I make more money than you do?
Legolas 28:07 IRL or in the game
Fixthis 28:14 In real life
Legolas 28:20 what's your salary
Fixthis 28:24 omfg
Fixthis 28:29 that is hilarious
Legolas 28:31 ?
Fixthis 28:33 did you say salary
Fixthis 28:35 what is yours?
Fixthis 28:42 do you even have a salary?
Legolas 28:47 I do
Fixthis 28:53 I don't
Fixthis 28:58 when you own businesses
Fixthis 29:01 you take draws
Fixthis 29:03 that sucks
Fixthis 29:09 you work for someone else
Fixthis 29:13 I hire people like you
Legolas 29:18 damn thats cool
Legolas 29:22 what is your business
Fixthis 29:29 Software consulting
Legolas 29:39 that's very broad
Fixthis 29:47 that is all you need to know
Legolas 29:49 care to elaborate?
Fixthis 29:52 or can I understand
Fixthis 29:56 ok
Fixthis 30:04 you know what a business is
Legolas 30:09 yep
Fixthis 30:10 and they hire average people
Fixthis 30:12 like you
Legolas 30:14 I mean
Fixthis 30:20 I hear fuckng kick ass people
Legolas 30:27 damn
Fixthis 30:30 so when they encounter problems they cannot fix
Fixthis 30:32 they call me
Fixthis 30:34 and I say
Fixthis 30:38 it costs this much
Fixthis 30:44 which is more than I pay my team
Fixthis 30:50 and I pay my team very well
Fixthis 30:53 and I keep the rest
Legolas 31:07 so you fix computers?
Legolas 31:29 what's the name of the company?
Fixthis 31:32 You can say that. And you probably should as that is the best you will ever understand it
Fixthis 31:46 Well, I think we should trade for that information
Legolas 31:55 sure
Fixthis 31:56 I thin that you desire to know that
Fixthis 32:06 what is your first and last name
Legolas 32:22 im a software developer I was working for Morgan Stanley until I decided to join a startup ~
Fixthis 32:30 that is cute
Fixthis 32:39 that is not a name though
Fixthis 32:43 Lets start here
Legolas 32:45 I don't want to dox myself
Fixthis 32:46 do you even know your name
Fixthis 32:50 dox?
Fixthis 32:54 how so?
Legolas 32:55 yikes
Fixthis 33:04 YOu are a very smart computer programmer
Fixthis 33:12 you can protect yourself from doxxing
Fixthis 33:16 or at least my team can
Fixthis 33:21 ahahaahahah
Legolas 33:27 damn
Fixthis 33:40 you live in fear
Legolas 33:45 constantly
Fixthis 33:47 good thing that you work for others
Legolas 33:53 yes
Fixthis 33:55 it is your character type
Legolas 33:59 lmao
Fixthis 34:03 you don't have the balls
Legolas 34:08 No Im a girl XD
Fixthis 34:11 to do anything on your own
Fixthis 34:13 so
Fixthis 34:19 well being a woman
Fixthis 34:24 you don't have balls or brains
Legolas 34:27 ouch
Legolas 34:32 I hope your HR doesn't hear you lmao
Fixthis 34:45 I don't care
Legolas 34:46 end up with a lawsuit on your hands XD
Fixthis 34:50 for what
Legolas 34:59 For sexism?
Legolas 35:01 damn bro
Legolas 35:05 you sure you run a business?
Fixthis 35:05 sexism
Legolas 35:16 Im starting to have doubt about your business
Fixthis 35:18 you mean if you are sexist you can be sued
Legolas 35:19 are you listed?
Fixthis 35:33 Please cite the reasons for the suit
Fixthis 35:38 and cite applicable case law
Legolas 35:49 Im not a lawyer im a software developer child
Fixthis 35:50 hon, I know what I am doing
Fixthis 35:52 oh
Legolas 35:53 Do you?
Fixthis 36:01 so you don't know what the fuck you are talking about
Fixthis 36:02 huh
Legolas 36:08 lmao what
Fixthis 36:17 you don't know what you are talking about
Legolas 36:28 if my employer treats me differently cause Im a women that's actionable XD
Legolas 36:33 bruh
Fixthis 36:37 define treats
Fixthis 36:44 and what is the impact
Legolas 36:48 damn
Fixthis 36:57 but you said it was just because I was sexist
Fixthis 37:02 so you cannot sue for that
Legolas 37:04 I don't think you're capable of understanding
Fixthis 37:05 like you said
Fixthis 37:11 I understand
Fixthis 37:19 If I treat you differently
Fixthis 37:26 that means I need to have done something
Legolas 37:29 You said you treat your employees like shit, you think women are stupid
Fixthis 37:31 material that affected you
Fixthis 37:39 I treat them fucking well
Legolas 37:40 That's a HR rep. nightmare bro
Legolas 37:43 I wouldn't want to work for you
Legolas 37:45 XD
Fixthis 37:46 I treat myself fucking better
Fixthis 37:58 all of my coders make $500K annually as a base
Legolas 38:01 lmaop
Fixthis 38:04 there are incentives after that
Legolas 38:16 sounds like the biggest pyramid scheme ever
Fixthis 38:24 It is called a business
Fixthis 38:28 I take the risk
Legolas 38:31 If you pay 500k for each of your coders
Fixthis 38:31 I keep the profit
Legolas 38:37 you're bigger than google bro
Legolas 38:39 congrats
Legolas 38:41 you win
Legolas 38:46 Sorry zuck
Fixthis 38:47 do you understand what a business is
Legolas 38:50 sorry zuck
Legolas 38:58 I didn't know I was talking to zuck
Fixthis 38:59 a business owner assumes risk
Legolas 38:59 kekw
Fixthis 39:01 you are not
Fixthis 39:10 you have such a small understanding
Legolas 39:14 Yikes
Fixthis 39:17 of the world
Legolas 39:22 Nope
Legolas 39:43 your mom
Legolas 39:46 owned
Fixthis 39:46 I primarily consult in a highly regulated industry
Fixthis 39:54 it is specific and complicated
Fixthis 40:00 you would not understand
Legolas 40:02 too complex for a woman
Legolas 40:04 kekw
Fixthis 40:13 are you understanding it?
Fixthis 40:25 you realize that the startup hired you for your vagina
Legolas 40:25 I was actually lieing about being a soft. dev
Legolas 40:29 im actually an astronaut
Fixthis 40:29 va gina
Legolas 40:32 i've been on several missions
Fixthis 40:37 great
Legolas 40:38 to the ISS
Fixthis 40:42 so you are a liar
Legolas 40:47 no
Fixthis 40:50 yes
Legolas 40:51 i have never liedc
Legolas 40:53 not once
Legolas 40:55 in my life
Fixthis 40:56 you said you were a software dev
Fixthis 41:02 and now you are saying that youare not
Legolas 41:04 That is my side hustle
Legolas 41:05 not a lie
Legolas 41:09 i also own a business
Fixthis 41:11 you said that you worked for a startup
Legolas 41:14 I own several businesses
Legolas 41:20 that is true
Legolas 41:25 But im also an astronaut
Legolas 41:31 and I also own several businesses
Fixthis 41:38 I am hungry
Legolas 41:39 we're in the waste management industry
Fixthis 41:42 gotta run