Buried Caverns
27 May, 2022 7:53 pm
06 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Cicada 00:00 glgl
Cicada 01:26 "just lemme in for a second baby thats alli need" - NG , 2011
NightGamer 01:40 yes
Cicada 01:45 good ol days haahah
NightGamer 01:45 shhh shh its ok just let it happen
Cicada 01:48 that stoill cracks me up
Cicada 01:56 was funny in WoL and its funny now damnit!
NightGamer 02:07 its a classic
Cicada 02:10 hahaha
Cicada 02:11 for real tho
Cicada 02:20 its the first thing i think of every time you log on hahah
Cicada 02:22 that and simon birch
NightGamer 02:49 im sarrrrry
Cicada 02:54 i did mean it
Cicada 03:06 fakeout hahah
NightGamer 03:37 rekt
TonFrantic 05:02 lol
NightGamer 05:58 i think sharons