Rooftop Terrace
31 Aug, 2023 12:26 pm
33 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Bandit 00:25 FEx2 followed by hydra+nydus
Bandit 00:27 you guys?
DrDeath 00:33 start stalk
SistersPanty 00:39 cannon rush into DT lol
DrDeath 00:44 attack early ~ 4-5
Bandit 00:59 and pink it team killing
Bandit 01:38 nevermind wasn't pink…
Bandit 01:43 sorry, the colors blended
Bandit 01:49 thanks for the help pink
DrDeath 02:05 cannons up[ soon
Bandit 02:12 that frick'n slowed me down…
DrDeath 02:15 go purple
Bandit 03:09 nice.
Bandit 03:45 arg
DrDeath 06:38 go teal?
DrDeath 07:28 green no units
SistersPanty 07:30 Criswir awesome job 7 mins no units
DrDeath 07:30 ?
SistersPanty 07:36 i cannon rushed
Bandit 07:47 uhm, you guys saw me lose ALL of my drones right?
SistersPanty 08:05 retard boy over here no units at almost 8 mins
DrDeath 08:11 laggot or leaver?
Criswir 08:11 largo
Vlaider 08:11 probrably leaver. not much chance of my team winning
Bandit 08:17 AGAIN: Lost ALL of my drones…
SistersPanty 08:26 noobs
SistersPanty 08:28 hilarous
SistersPanty 08:46 3 forge 10 gate no army LOL
SistersPanty 08:59 probably worst build I've ever seen
DrDeath 09:28 bang ?
DrDeath 10:37 go red now
Bandit 12:11 you're welcome green.
SistersPanty 12:21 you suck bro
SistersPanty 12:27 like REALLY bad
DrDeath 12:30 dt?
Bandit 12:35 we just won you the game…
SistersPanty 12:41 cannon rush
SistersPanty 12:52 dude on this side had ZERO army at 8 mins
SistersPanty 12:56 pathetic
DrDeath 13:16 i go top
SistersPanty 14:13 lol noob fest 2023
DrDeath 16:13 blue go
DrDeath 16:55 blue gogogog now
DrDeath 18:39 im broke now
SistersPanty 18:49 Bandit boy will save you
Bandit 18:57 man you whine…
SistersPanty 19:07 talk shit to me bro
Bandit 19:08 you contributing yet or still talking about your great gun rush?
SistersPanty 19:27 LOL
SistersPanty 19:54 you
SistersPanty 19:57 you welcome bro
Bandit 20:10 you haven't done shit yet…
DrDeath 20:16 wtf green u sit here we die
Bandit 20:17 you're walking in circles
SistersPanty 20:19 let me save you noob
Bandit 21:13 pink is doing most of the heavy lifting, but you brag more…
SistersPanty 21:19 shut your bronze mouth
DrDeath 21:24 im broke
Bandit 21:29 awe, sad fool is sad
SistersPanty 21:43 shut your double digit APM mouth
Bandit 22:18 not going to win it for us afterall? just gonna retreat for no reason?
Bandit 22:35 wait, no vision? man that seems mighty noob of you
DrDeath 23:02 all the fuckign around red still alvive
Bandit 23:44 see, green is addressing it, once it comes to him because he can't attack?
DrDeath 24:25 im dead
Bandit 26:32 so, how you doing green?
SistersPanty 32:39 imagine if you didn't suck
Bandit 32:52 imagine if you hadn't let pink and OJ die…
Bandit 32:56 it'd be SO NEAT!