Inside and Out
LOTV Private
21 Jul, 2023 12:10 am
31 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Zip 00:07 love your username btw
Vendetta 00:26 ty huge v4 vendetta fan
Zip 01:02 i used to know the monologue from the tv
Zip 01:08 by heart
Vendetta 03:00 lol
Vendetta 03:04 queen is so dumb
Vendetta 03:12 thats gg
Zip 03:15 waiot
Zip 03:16 not yet
Zip 03:18 play it out
Vendetta 23:49 gg
Zip 24:00 c;pse p
Zip 24:03 close one
Zip 24:05 gg wp
Zip 24:20 u know
Vendetta 24:22 i could tell i was behind the whole game
Zip 24:24 where u could have improved?
Vendetta 24:36 pulling drones on your drops for one
Zip 24:41 n
Zip 24:45 thats difficult
Zip 24:48 an easier one to improve on
Vendetta 24:52 i jsut let you kill my whole third base in the bening
Zip 24:53 is to just macro faster
Vendetta 25:01 more drones faster
Zip 25:01 u see where my army is
Zip 25:04 right under your main
Vendetta 25:09 yeah
Zip 25:14 this should have been mined out ages ago
Zip 25:21 u went for top right
Zip 25:25 which is aggressive
Zip 25:35 but i guess it worked cause i havent been able to poke it
Zip 25:46 but i think u should have macroed here instead
Zip 25:52 as soon as i dropped your third
Zip 25:56 u should have put down your 4th
Zip 26:01 right where my army is
Zip 26:05 u would still be in the game
Zip 26:09 your defense is actually quite good
Vendetta 26:18 ok the triangle base always gets met in trouble for some reason
Zip 26:23 going for medivacs with queens instead of just my marines
Vendetta 26:40 i have to learn to split faster cus the medivacs just go thrid main third main
Vendetta 26:59 ty for all of the pointers
Zip 27:09 let me think
Zip 27:10 what else
Zip 27:17 i think u did great tbh
Zip 27:22 u came from behind
Zip 27:27 5 drones down from that 1 reaper
Zip 27:32 silly mistake i know you're better than that
Vendetta 27:32 ugh
Vendetta 27:33 lol
Zip 27:37 but see how close the game is?
Vendetta 27:44 that was so bad i thought the queen was on it
Zip 27:44 i only had 100 gas in the bank after
Vendetta 27:51 yeah
Zip 28:00 it was a close one
Vendetta 28:00 i think you are good how long have you been playing
Zip 28:08 this is my strongest matchup
Zip 28:18 but to keep it short,
Vendetta 28:24 i watch pig and a couple other poeple and it got me turned on to the game last october
Zip 28:39 sc2hl did it for me
Zip 28:51 parting's war prism micro with the immortals
Zip 28:54 vs dark
Vendetta 28:59 ahhhhh
Zip 29:05 but i've always been bad
Zip 29:09 i mostly play to have fun
Zip 29:17 i know roughly what i need to work on
Zip 29:23 which is to think more and less headbutt
Vendetta 29:25 same but i like to improve so this was really cool thanks for the help
Zip 29:31 yeah np
Zip 29:37 i'll keep you on as a friend
Vendetta 29:41 same
Zip 29:45 let me know if i can help you with anything specifically
Vendetta 29:52 anytime you want to practice hit me up
Zip 29:56 sure thanks
Vendetta 29:58 this has been great
Zip 29:58 but did u see
Zip 30:01 how the mass ultras
Zip 30:04 really fucked up my bio
Vendetta 30:10 lol yeah
Zip 30:10 i still dont know how to counter that
Zip 30:13 without ghosts
Zip 30:19 and even with ghosts they get fucked
Vendetta 30:20 you did good with the ghosts
Zip 30:22 if there's no shield
Zip 30:30 the ultras have to eat shit from my thors
Vendetta 30:31 usually liberators are a good counter
Zip 30:36 urghh
Zip 30:40 so slow and hard to manouever
Vendetta 30:41 thats why i kept making hydras with them
Zip 30:57 let's play again another time
Zip 31:03 i think we are even
Zip 31:06 gg wqp
Vendetta 31:07 they can lock down the map and make some chokes really hard to break
Vendetta 31:08 gg
Vendetta 31:10 wp
Zip 31:11 *wp