Divergence LE
16 Nov, 2023 9:25 pm
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
tothemoon 00:16 plan?
Supermahon 00:22 expand to back gold
Supermahon 00:26 with marauders for rocks
Supermahon 00:27 then bio
tothemoon 00:30 ok
tothemoon 00:34 u want me air then?
Supermahon 00:45 sure
Supermahon 00:56 wherever you feel comfortable
tothemoon 02:20 lol
Supermahon 02:32 lol
tothemoon 03:45 adpeclsoe
tothemoon 03:46 clsoe
tothemoon 03:47 close
tothemoon 03:49 nownice
BronzePlayer 03:50 na
tothemoon 03:55 aepdn comign
tothemoon 05:01 lol
tothemoon 05:18 lol
BronzePlayer 05:42
BronzePlayer 05:43
BronzePlayer 05:43
BronzePlayer 05:43
BronzePlayer 05:43
BronzePlayer 05:44
BronzePlayer 05:44
tothemoon 05:51 drops
tothemoon 06:12 why nots
tothemoon 06:19 u lsiten
tothemoon 07:57 gg
BronzePlayer 08:14
tothemoon 09:11 gg
tothemoon 10:25 tak out 1 base if u stil lhere
BronzePlayer 10:35
tothemoon 10:35 lol
BronzePlayer 10:35
BronzePlayer 10:35
BronzePlayer 10:36
BronzePlayer 10:36
BronzePlayer 10:36
tothemoon 10:38 ol
tothemoon 10:45 out now pelase
tothemoon 12:02 he gone just en dit
tothemoon 12:35 go end man lol
Supermahon 12:40 i am
tothemoon 12:45 he not there just end it
BronzePlayer 12:54 sorry i taking a dump
BronzePlayer 12:55
BronzePlayer 12:55
BronzePlayer 12:55
BronzePlayer 12:55
BronzePlayer 12:56
BronzePlayer 12:56
BronzePlayer 12:56
BronzePlayer 12:57
tothemoon 13:01 lol ur such a loser
BronzePlayer 13:05 yikes
BronzePlayer 13:07 but i love you
BronzePlayer 13:13 (rainbow)(hearts)
BronzePlayer 13:23 lol
BronzePlayer 13:32 (coffeetime)(coffeetime)(coffeetime)