Dusty Gorge
11 Nov, 2023 1:04 pm
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
DemoniacMilk 00:00 glhf
DemoniacMilk 00:02 apple vs potato, fight!
Brillo 00:14 hf
DemoniacMilk 00:30 er mwrong ramp sorry xD
DemoniacMilk 00:45 gues im the potato
Potato 01:37 2 gas
DemoniacMilk 02:05 pool seems ealy
Potato 02:12 late
Potato 02:23 3 hatc h
Potato 02:28 i go 2 base allin
DemoniacMilk 02:30 ill stop talking xD
DemoniacMilk 02:35 oh
DemoniacMilk 02:36 alright
DemoniacMilk 02:38 good scout
Potato 04:17 SCOUT 0 NICVE
DemoniacMilk 04:32 was expecting maraider push
Potato 05:10 GET TANK
Potato 05:51 get your side
Potato 05:52 not mine
DemoniacMilk 06:01 ?
Potato 06:06 haras your side
Potato 06:08 fck
Potato 06:13 i do 2 base all in on zerg
DemoniacMilk 06:19 im scouting
Potato 07:18 fck me
Potato 09:17 žlot of banes
DemoniacMilk 09:45 then dont go without splash
Potato 17:27 fck campers
DemoniacMilk 17:31 so annoying
DemoniacMilk 18:35 got some nukes?
Potato 18:42 cant help