Oceanborn LE
21 Nov, 2023 2:16 pm
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
organum 00:00 glhf
Yurgen 11:42 what should I do against ling hydra baneling?
Yurgen 11:46 nothing seems to work
organum 11:51 i think there wasn't enough harass
Yurgen 11:52 could you help me with some tips?
Yurgen 11:55 ah
organum 11:55 kk
organum 12:23 after the game?
Yurgen 12:28 yeah or now
Yurgen 12:29 it's gg
organum 12:31 ok
organum 12:32 so
organum 12:47 the medivac dance
organum 12:49 pointless
organum 12:53 wouldn't bother
Yurgen 12:55 haha
Yurgen 12:56 okay
organum 12:59 as soon as you notice ovies run
organum 13:04 because that was like late int he game
organum 13:09 you don't know if there's mutas
Yurgen 13:13 true
organum 13:18 so before that the hellions
organum 13:24 i did seem to get rid of them with some tricks
organum 13:29 i didn't go a lot of lings
organum 13:42 i did scout bio
organum 13:45 so i assumed you'll yolo
Yurgen 13:49 hahahaha
organum 13:51 so the yolo needed to do gama
organum 13:53 sorry damage
Yurgen 14:04 it didnt do anything indeed
organum 14:09 but there was one that failed
organum 14:15 where i used the cute block
organum 14:20 almost failed to block
organum 14:31 that was bad
organum 14:36 the next one was disjointed