Black Site 2E
24 Nov, 2023 1:57 pm
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Slann 00:21 yeah i would rather 4s
Slann 00:23 but 3s is fine
JùmBöShîMp 00:34 i guess prob a little more mmr is we win with two
Slann 00:43 yes
Slann 00:50 we get 0 mmr for win this
MJCRUZ 00:58 damn
MJCRUZ 01:01 how yall know all this
JùmBöShîMp 01:01 naw
Slann 01:14 guess
JùmBöShîMp 01:16 becauz you two are master
JùmBöShîMp 01:22 and they not placed
MJCRUZ 01:25 oh
JùmBöShîMp 01:28 but prob +1 at worst
JùmBöShîMp 01:46 where da toss scout
Slann 02:02 idk
Slann 02:35 award for stupidest wall goes to me
JùmBöShîMp 02:43 you win
MJCRUZ 02:45 all
JùmBöShîMp 02:46 lol
MJCRUZ 02:46 good
MJCRUZ 02:48 we gonna win
JùmBöShîMp 02:55 two buildings wallesd
JùmBöShîMp 03:52 INC
MJCRUZ 05:18 go go
JùmBöShîMp 05:38 HELP
Slann 06:54 he massing c arriers
Slann 06:56 but i got his econ some
JùmBöShîMp 08:15 au can stop dts now
MJCRUZ 08:24 i havent sent dts in a while
JùmBöShîMp 08:32 what u doing then?
MJCRUZ 08:37 recovering
MJCRUZ 08:38 what you think
JùmBöShîMp 09:37 i get corr
JùmBöShîMp 09:39 i got carrier
JùmBöShîMp 10:35 come
JùmBöShîMp 10:36 orange
JùmBöShîMp 12:12 no help
JùmBöShîMp 12:13 lol
JùmBöShîMp 12:20 focus carrier no spling with tempe4st
JùmBöShîMp 13:59 +8
JùmBöShîMp 14:16 suprised you had an expo teal
JùmBöShîMp 14:20 no tech