Snowy Mesa
29 Nov, 2023 11:38 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
CapnHammered 00:00 glhf
NONO 00:04 glhf
CapnHammered 00:07 plan?
PeeSee 00:07 gl hf
Raabik 05:15 i scan
Raabik 08:42 bad
Raabik 08:44 slepep
Raabik 10:04 i almost ahd the fortress
Raabik 10:05 ....
CapnHammered 10:10 lol you had 2 bcs and a few mines
Raabik 10:13 and what
Raabik 10:16 you stand next
CapnHammered 10:25 held a bit longer than you
CapnHammered 11:06 teammate was an idiot gg