Magma Mines
22 Nov, 2023 7:28 pm
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
StickLane 00:00 glgl
tiGz 00:00 glhf
Dantaro 00:00 glgl
htty 00:00 glhf
Dantaro 00:15 Everything OK over there?
tiGz 00:15 his internet is awful
Dantaro 00:15 T_T
tiGz 00:15 we call him sHtty internet
StickLane 00:15 packets noooooo
Dantaro 00:15 lol
StickLane 00:15 those packets were my brothers
Dantaro 00:15 Last game was a lot of fun :)
tiGz 00:15 SYN
StickLane 00:20 ACK
tiGz 00:23 SYNACK
tiGz 00:47 i'd tell you a UDP joke but you might not get it
Dantaro 00:52 Haaaaaahahaha
Dantaro 01:02 I'll tell you a TCP joke
tiGz 01:08 please tell me a TCP jokke
Dantaro 01:14 I'm going to tell you a TCP joke now
tiGz 01:20 i'm ready to hear the TCP joke
Dantaro 01:27 TCP is very secure. Did you get the joke?
tiGz 01:32 yes I got it
Dantaro 01:44 Thank you for gettign the joke
StickLane 13:31 gg
tiGz 13:32 gg
Dantaro 13:33 ggwp