Old Estate
19 Dec, 2023 12:36 pm
24 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
LingLeadeR 00:00 glhf
Chen 00:04
Tidgey 02:09 im going to aask the 18" bong what to do
Chen 02:16 says suck on it
Chen 02:24 easy answer
Crusader 02:34 u wouldnt know u squinty eyed 2" chode lookin chink
Chen 02:48 wow a little racist eh?
Crusader 03:03 nah, u just had that coming
Tidgey 03:42 can i speeka to a som bo dee who can speeka veietmaneeese pleis
Crusader 05:17 if give one chance, how hard would you pound alexander hamilatons cheeks?
Tidgey 05:24 has left the game.
Crusader 05:30 fuk
Tidgey 16:55 YOU THOT SO
Tidgey 17:22 jfc
RonBurgundy 17:26 gtfo
Tidgey 17:31 sugma