Descent LE
19 Dec, 2023 4:01 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Kodalim 00:00 bruh
Jesu 00:00 glgl
boanaan 00:00 gl hf
Kodalim 00:03 we are gold come on blizzard
Alluton 00:04 gl hf
Alluton 00:10 we got shiny borders too
boanaan 00:12 we're unranked, even worse
Alluton 00:19 truuuuuue
GGXPodcast 00:22 Who did you GM's pay at Activison to be able to beat up on poor golds?
Alluton 00:29 pay to win
GGXPodcast 00:29 I only play this game for 1 wk u.u
Alluton 00:35 damn
Alluton 00:38 welcome
boanaan 00:40 same
Kodalim 00:49 at least you got a week, this is my second game x_x
GGXPodcast 00:56 O.O!
Alluton 00:59 00000000
GGXPodcast 01:29 WARRR
Alluton 03:22 WAAAAAAR
Alluton 03:37 not the most innovative warcry really
Alluton 03:44 but if it is your first week I understand