Alcyone LE
19 Dec, 2023 6:54 pm
36 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Arepa 00:00
llllllllllll 00:13 glgl
Arepa 15:27 why do you do this ?
llllllllllll 15:38 real bad at zvt
Arepa 15:40 whats the point of ap layer vs ai ?
llllllllllll 15:40 this is my only chance
Arepa 15:59 instead of*
Arepa 17:33 come on
Arepa 32:54 well done
llllllllllll 32:57 thx
Arepa 32:58 you're very good
llllllllllll 33:09 whatever it takes
Arepa 34:13 for what ?
llllllllllll 34:20 just playing ladder
Arepa 36:22 gg