Site Delta LE
20 Dec, 2023 4:39 am
07 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
NegruVoda 00:00 gl hf
Jolova 00:03 gl hf
Jolova 03:31 oob
Jolova 03:33 noob
NegruVoda 04:06 Because you walked your adept in front of my tank? >)))
Jolova 04:18 yes
NegruVoda 04:25 You must be Russian
Jolova 04:31 noooooooooooooooo
Jolova 04:36 please
NegruVoda 04:42 Then stop acting like one >))
Jolova 06:53 chesser
NegruVoda 07:08 yOU HAVE SEEN IT
NegruVoda 07:13 My all-in
NegruVoda 07:15 Need zealots,man
Jolova 07:28 terra OP