Sky Harvester
LOTV Private
15 Dec, 2023 6:58 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Slann 00:00 lol what is this map
Lunchbox 00:06 ew console bug
Lunchbox 00:14 i got like toss aniversy or some
Slann 00:21 nice
chombi 00:23 i shot in the dark
Macaroonies 00:37 terrible map
Lunchbox 00:38 this is phantom mode map
Lunchbox 00:39 omg
chombi 00:51 i see the error in my ways now
GenoaSalami 00:52 oh we should phantom or mono battle
Slann 00:58 bro this map
Slann 01:01 This map is wack man
GenoaSalami 01:07 alright alright
GenoaSalami 01:08 we get it
McCain 01:09 phantom would be wack
GenoaSalami 01:11 not the best map
chombi 01:13 lol
Slann 01:15 ok sorry
Lunchbox 01:15 hey guys is the map bad ?
Slann 01:15 lol
AmunRa 01:20 YES!!!
Lunchbox 01:26 wait really ?
Macaroonies 01:46 did anyone like this map?
chombi 01:50 the nat like half a mile away
Lunchbox 01:57 wait so your telling me
Lunchbox 02:00 this map is bad?
AmunRa 02:04 what nat?
GenoaSalami 03:42 heh
GenoaSalami 03:45 this is phantom map
McCain 03:49 oof
Lunchbox 03:51 i told u
GenoaSalami 03:51 minor alterations
Lunchbox 03:55 its slightly different
Macaroonies 07:27 we need a guy who can pick maps
McCain 07:40 this map is fantastic
Lunchbox 07:43 wait this map is bad ?
Macaroonies 10:10 jeez
Macaroonies 11:01 its game
Macaroonies 11:15 gg
chombi 11:44 ok ok gg
Lunchbox 11:50 GG
Cell 11:51 gg