Hecate LE
22 Dec, 2023 9:01 pm
11 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Shok 00:00 glgl
AtlasGrip 01:08 why do half the diamond tards 12 pool?
AtlasGrip 02:39 youa re shit
AtlasGrip 02:58 durrr now time to macro
AtlasGrip 03:12 6 pool pre lotv and you got these results
AtlasGrip 03:13 it was a loss
AtlasGrip 03:23 in this retarded expansion? you can macro 12 pool
AtlasGrip 03:31 chance to kill your opponent but oh well keep going if you dont?
Shok 11:42 ggwp