Black Site 2E
23 Dec, 2023 12:01 am
21 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
SilentPurp 00:00 glhf
ThickMunky 00:15 wildpants noshirt'?
SilentPurp 00:35 shirtless shorts
ThickMunky 00:39 bold attire
ThickMunky 01:42 i used be able to rock wildpants im jogging pants plaid coat
SilentPurp 01:56 respectable attire
ThickMunky 02:14 its what was there and clean
ThickMunky 02:39 but im like real life.....what ever works for now
ThickMunky 03:03 sadly im tired from working
SilentPurp 03:31 plaid pjs and a t-shirt good to go