Hecate LE
27 Dec, 2023 3:30 pm
05 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Genius 00:00 Glhf
AbeFroman 00:00 glgl
AbeFroman 04:02 is there anything zerg can do to beat that?
Genius 04:08 pull more workers
AbeFroman 04:08 i've never stopped that
Genius 04:14 like maybe 10?
Genius 04:17 and then attack the rax
AbeFroman 04:18 what for?
Genius 04:23 kill bunker
AbeFroman 04:23 wait what?
Genius 04:26 is #1 priority
AbeFroman 04:30 kill the barracks with workers?
Genius 04:34 no lings
Genius 04:35 like
Genius 04:37 kill it early
Genius 04:41 so i dont snowball
Genius 04:50 pnce i get like 6 marines its over
AbeFroman 04:53 i dont see how a zerg is killing the barracks...
Genius 05:01 yeah i mean that after the bunker
Genius 05:14 kill bunker is #1 prio
AbeFroman 05:19 i dont think zerg can kill the bunkers...how would that happen?
Genius 05:25 while buildingh
AbeFroman 05:37 well whatever. I'll just keep gging thse lol