Snowy Mesa
30 Dec, 2023 11:57 pm
26 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
HeyBuddie 00:05 Gl hf
Manchot 00:09 gay
HeyBuddie 00:11 i think they were too bad
HeyBuddie 00:21 this is not gridr m8
Manchot 00:24 sorry
YOON 00:26 glhf
MineralThief 00:37 gl hf
Manchot 01:00 glhgay
HeyBuddie 01:21 you already told us of your orientation
HeyBuddie 03:23 mydus
MineralThief 12:26 I attack here
HeyBuddie 26:29 the odds are stacking up
HeyBuddie 26:43 is too much
HeyBuddie 26:45 gg