Hard Lead LE
03 Jan, 2024 6:26 pm
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Rancor 00:00 glhf
CrimDelaCrim 00:03 hfhf
Rancor 13:51 why are you being a jerk like this?
CrimDelaCrim 14:01 huh?
Rancor 14:18 WHY
Rancor 14:18 ARE
Rancor 14:18 YOU
Rancor 14:18 BEING
Rancor 14:18 A
CrimDelaCrim 14:18 im not trying to be
Rancor 14:18 JERK
Rancor 14:18 yes you are
CrimDelaCrim 14:18 im tired of losing im sorry
Rancor 14:18 it's 100% clear that you're being the biggest jerk you can be
CrimDelaCrim 14:18 ive done nothing but lose tonight
CrimDelaCrim 14:18
Rancor 14:18 and you're a loser when you choose to be a jerk
CrimDelaCrim 14:18 thats mean
Rancor 14:18 it's fuking pathetic
CrimDelaCrim 14:19 lol oooo
CrimDelaCrim 14:22 your seriors
CrimDelaCrim 14:26 serious
CrimDelaCrim 15:04 yes?
Rancor 15:04 what?
CrimDelaCrim 15:04 you paused
Rancor 15:04 and?
Rancor 16:31 what's it like being such a sad pathetic and impotent fuktard?
CrimDelaCrim 16:38 lol you are serious?
CrimDelaCrim 16:46 why are you so mad?
Rancor 16:48 yes, I'd like to know
Rancor 16:52 I'm not mad
Rancor 16:58 I'm curious
Rancor 17:06 what's it like?
CrimDelaCrim 17:06 looks like you are mad XD
CrimDelaCrim 17:17 becasue I didnt let you win im a twat?
Rancor 17:19 nah, not even vaguely
CrimDelaCrim 17:27 lol
Rancor 17:39 so what is is like?
CrimDelaCrim 17:52 idk im not one so wouldnt know
Rancor 18:14 oh, you don't think you're there yet? Still think you have more ways to be pahtietic?
CrimDelaCrim 18:23 lololol so angry
Rancor 18:37 don't sell yourself short, I think you're plenty pathetic
Rancor 18:44 and you're definately a jekr
CrimDelaCrim 18:54 how?
CrimDelaCrim 19:01 im sorry you feel that way
CrimDelaCrim 19:08 maybe you should let your feelings out more
CrimDelaCrim 19:15 wont build up like that so much
Rancor 19:15 well for one thing pretending that you don't know when it's abundantly clear
Rancor 19:27 anyway, thanks for the laughs
CrimDelaCrim 19:27 its okay little buddy
Rancor 19:30 stay trash fuktard
CrimDelaCrim 19:33 lolololol