Alcyone LE
LOTV Private
06 Jan, 2024 1:21 pm
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Boss 00:00
Sent 00:04 glgl
Sent 00:19 you really do that with writing bo stuff
Boss 00:27 in word
Boss 00:31 yeah
Sent 00:49 i saw people do it with notepad file
Boss 01:02 very big build order
Sent 01:07 xd
Boss 01:15 60 lines lol
Sent 01:25 what if somethign goes rwong
Boss 01:35 i retry
Sent 01:35 like, what if they make one more adepot
Sent 01:49 no im ean what if something unconventional happens in the game
Boss 01:55 i removed depots from the build
Boss 01:59 its autopilot
Sent 02:01 xd
Boss 14:06 gg