Snowbound Colony
06 Jan, 2024 2:57 pm
20 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
KingTiger 00:00 glhf
Brk 00:15 plan?
Brk 00:38 rush?
Ajh 00:51 sure
Ajh 00:55 roach rush?
Brk 00:56 shared
Ajh 01:05 roach to bust the cutoff
Brk 01:11 going to try nydus
Ajh 01:20 not as good
Ajh 01:25 on thjsi one
Brk 01:30 ok
Ajh 01:43 not alot of room to pop it out in their base
Ajh 01:47 it cn still work
Brk 03:08 swarm houst
Brk 03:10 protect
Ajh 03:19 ?
Ajh 03:20 k
Zerus 03:26 tank pusg
Ajh 04:48 lings trying to get in
Brk 05:33 help here
Zerus 10:53 go broodlord corruptor
Ajh 10:54 change to air?
Brk 10:57 trying
Ajh 11:04 kk going corruptor
Brk 19:54 sory my wife talking to me lol
Ajh 20:11 gg
Zerus 20:16 gg