Efflorescence LE
05 Jan, 2024 3:13 pm
14 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Judgement 00:06 this shit map
scIIfool 00:07 glgl
Judgement 00:09 glgl
scIIfool 00:48 tell florida to stop playing with the thermostat ;)
Judgement 00:57 for real
scIIfool 01:20 Im trying to wall off
scIIfool 01:23 low ground
Judgement 01:29 ok
scIIfool 01:49 nice!
Judgement 02:12 tyty
Judgement 04:12 drop depot so my dudes can get in
Judgement 04:20 ty
scIIfool 04:24 np
scIIfool 04:32 gonna drop'em now
Judgement 06:24 knew it
scIIfool 06:49 every game just fk because dt
scIIfool 07:59 killed the dark shrine
Judgement 08:05 nice
Judgement 08:44 nice try
Judgement 08:49 treid to drop my
scIIfool 08:56 save all energy now
Judgement 10:40 need me?
scIIfool 10:45 yeah
scIIfool 10:56 I forgot cs and stim
scIIfool 11:25 back up
scIIfool 11:40 his tanks
scIIfool 12:06 help