Old Estate
04 Dec, 2023 10:54 pm
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Ghost 00:10 i think the lobby has to be full for that game to work right
Ghost 00:17 i had someone spawn in my natural expansion
BinhGo 00:20 or bottom
Ghost 00:37 i was like fighting for my natural while you were going for carriers lol
BinhGo 00:38 wanna go mech
BinhGo 00:42 haha
BinhGo 00:48 ghost and i will go bio
JellyMaster 00:58 2 scouts
waLLaCe 00:58 watch reapers
waLLaCe 01:51 need tanks
BinhGo 02:00 yah jelly got us
JellyMaster 02:07 huh
BinhGo 02:18 oh
BinhGo 02:19 lmaoooo
BinhGo 02:37 he can waste
BinhGo 05:28 counter?
JellyMaster 05:33 drop
JellyMaster 05:34 inc
JellyMaster 06:01 no mining
JellyMaster 06:02 over here
JellyMaster 06:03 lol
Ghost 07:26 group up to counter
waLLaCe 08:15 gj
BinhGo 08:22 gg
waLLaCe 08:48 fuckin cheesers
BinhGo 09:27 oops
JellyMaster 09:28 lol
JellyMaster 09:30 i saw that
waLLaCe 09:37 hah