Efflorescence LE
13 Jan, 2024 2:57 pm
15 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
BIGDRAGO 00:05 gl hf
Cojaha 00:09 glgl
BIGDRAGO 10:03 go here fast
Cojaha 10:10 if I got for it I lose the froot
Cojaha 10:12 front
BIGDRAGO 10:22 ok
BIGDRAGO 13:34 lol
BIGDRAGO 13:50 so many sg
Cojaha 13:59 thinks he is going air eh
Cojaha 14:21 red took both aback bases
Cojaha 14:24 the greedy bugger
Cojaha 14:30 no wonder blue is down
BIGDRAGO 14:46 y