Site Delta LE
16 Jan, 2024 10:38 pm
26 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
adviceman 00:00 glhf
KafkaCrow 00:06 glhf
KafkaCrow 00:12 what advice would you give me?
adviceman 00:20 cheese the protoss
KafkaCrow 00:37 im bad at cheeses tho
adviceman 00:48 same
KafkaCrow 00:51 esp against toss
adviceman 01:01 nevr said the advice was good
KafkaCrow 01:05 i think i know more tvz and tvt cheeses
KafkaCrow 01:06 lol
KafkaCrow 01:20 i was doing one base thor rush for a while
KafkaCrow 01:27 against toss
adviceman 01:51 never vsed it that sounds aids
KafkaCrow 02:19 do you play t?
adviceman 02:24 tried it
adviceman 02:35 but not rly mainly just z
adviceman 26:14 GGWP