Radhuset Station LE
16 Jan, 2024 3:17 pm
06 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Kad 00:00 gl hf
RayFinkle 00:15 ya gl hf
RayFinkle 04:51 gg
RayFinkle 05:01 how the hell do you defend that without going all in also
Kad 05:14 banes
RayFinkle 05:20 yea i guess
Kad 05:28 you wont have enough roaches by the time these lings get here
RayFinkle 05:36 i am so bad zvz if they do what you did
Kad 05:40 its all good
RayFinkle 05:40 yea
Kad 05:44 this is the only build i know lmao
RayFinkle 05:50 i know i play on and off i wanna be able to defend that lol
Kad 05:51 i'm a terran main
RayFinkle 05:59 ahhh nice
Kad 06:05 2 banes will stop the first push
RayFinkle 06:09 yea i guess banes but my micro is trash with them
Kad 06:09 and if you can hold that you win
RayFinkle 06:20 im gonna have to try it
RayFinkle 06:23 gg my man wp