Hard Lead LE
20 Jan, 2024 10:10 pm
45 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
OmegaBeef 00:00 glhf
thatguy 00:02 glhf
OmegaBeef 27:17 lol was afk
OmegaBeef 27:19 back now
thatguy 27:41 lol
thatguy 28:06 looks like i missed a lot
OmegaBeef 28:14 wym?
OmegaBeef 28:20 you were afk? lol
OmegaBeef 41:56 are you just not playing? lol
OmegaBeef 42:02 it's like your reaction time is really slow?
thatguy 42:33 yeah but the map is mined out
OmegaBeef 42:40 yea lol
OmegaBeef 42:57 so doesn't that mean you should protect what you have? you just letting me kille verything lol
thatguy 43:17 you can finish me off when you want
OmegaBeef 43:27 sure lol
OmegaBeef 43:31 rematch anytime if you want the practice