Radhuset Station LE
24 Jan, 2024 3:51 am
42 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Pyromega 17:02 my poor base
Pyromega 17:05 it worth a lot
generous 17:08 your good
Pyromega 17:12 almost as much as 1 BC
Pyromega 33:36 oh no
Pyromega 33:38 my base!
generous 33:45 lol
Pyromega 35:16 wow, you haven't mine out all your base
generous 35:20 can i get some money
generous 35:25 like 200k
generous 35:28 thanks
Pyromega 35:37 I wish I can pass you that much minerals
generous 41:41 scared?
Pyromega 41:46 no
Pyromega 41:55 I am sending whole bunch of units
generous 41:58 fight my barracks
Pyromega 42:06 I am
Pyromega 42:10 with myoverlords