Site Delta LE
30 Jan, 2024 3:28 am
10 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Quarp 00:00 glgl
NegruVoda 00:00 stalker
NegruVoda 00:25 how do you even do it?
Quarp 00:27 terran is way easier btw
NegruVoda 00:30 play against me 3 times in a row
Quarp 00:37 i saw you move out
Quarp 00:51 then ı counter attacked
NegruVoda 01:00 terran can't just amove mass shit and win
Quarp 01:08 you play mech
Quarp 01:15 its hard to rotate
NegruVoda 10:56 As I said. Mas amove zerg.