Site Delta LE
01 Feb, 2024 8:14 pm
08 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Gool 00:00 glhf
CaptainClub 00:00 glhf
Gool 05:25 how were you so prepared?
CaptainClub 05:33 I always go one engi
CaptainClub 05:36 with the opener
Gool 05:38 and cyclone?
CaptainClub 05:41 yes
CaptainClub 05:42 only 2 tho
CaptainClub 05:44 usually mines
Gool 05:46 you built 4
CaptainClub 05:49 i thought you woukld commit to stalkers
CaptainClub 05:51 so i built 4
Gool 05:59 i wanted that
Gool 06:02 thats why i proxy gw and show stalker
CaptainClub 06:10 yea
CaptainClub 06:18 i always get the engi for a turret
CaptainClub 06:27 bc i dont get a raven early enough
CaptainClub 06:29 with the normal opener
Gool 08:27 hmm
Gool 08:29 gg