Jungle Depths LE
06 Feb, 2024 10:48 pm
24 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
funkygoog 00:00 Gl hf
funkygoog 00:04 gl hf
DarZKnighZ 00:05 same same
AndyN 00:28 ?
DarZKnighZ 00:33 interial design
AndyN 00:36 lol
DarZKnighZ 00:42 haha
DarZKnighZ 00:43 failed
DarZKnighZ 00:53 i build liek noob
funkygoog 01:01 same
DarZKnighZ 01:04 and im noob
funkygoog 01:10 me to
funkygoog 01:11 too
DarZKnighZ 01:15 pls carry us
funkygoog 05:40 teal is a true protoss
funkygoog 06:04 proxy 4gate slowlots into ninja base
funkygoog 06:27 thx for scouting that andy
AndyN 06:36 pleasure
AndyN 06:42 the point of having sentreis
AndyN 07:01 libs inc
AndyN 11:28 get casteres
AndyN 12:09 get splash
AndyN 15:34 get splash
AndyN 15:36 thors
DarZKnighZ 15:51 COME
AndyN 16:52 request minerals if u need
DarZKnighZ 17:03 I NEED GAS
AndyN 19:41 o k I have gas
AndyN 19:44 you can ask
funkygoog 23:29 yay